can we play d and d now? ☆ jorbyn

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Corbyn, Jonah, and Daniel, have been friends since they could remember. Them all being awkward as kids sort of brought them together. They all loved any thing that had to do with the supernatural, like ghosts, monsters, things like that.

One of their favorite things to do was play dungeons and dragons, Corbyn especially.

But that all came to a halt when they grew up and Jonah and Daniel got girlfriends. The two brunettes would not shut up about them. Jonah had just gotten broken up with and was desperate to get back to together with tate. So Daniel was giving him advice. Not very good advice at that.

"Just but her something nive from the mall." Daniel suggested.

"I don't know, you think it'll work?" Jonah questioned.

"I mean maybe but-"

"Guys can we please just play d and d now?" Corbyn cut off.

"No!" The two others exclaimed.

Corbyn sighed and went back to being bored. Just then the phone rang.

Jonah rushed over in hopes of it being tate.

"Hello!? I dont want a trip to the Bahamas."

He hung up and stormed back over to the couch.

"Can play d and d now?"

"Ugh. Fine!" Jonah agreed.

The three were now sitting at the table, Jonah and Daniel both being extremely bored but Corbyn being extremely excited.

"You're stuck at a cross roads. All of a sudden, I three headed beast storms in front of you! What do you do?" Corbyn exclaimed.

Then the phone rang again.

"I get the phone." Jonah stated

He got up and went to the phone again.

"Hello? Tate? Really!? How many times are you going to call?!" Jonah exclaimed beofre angrily hanging up.

Jonah walked back to an angry Corbyn throwing his stuff back in his backpack.

"Hey wait!" Jonah said

"No! I'm done. I'm leaving!" Corbyn said storming up the stairs and out of the house.

"Corbyn wait!" Jonah caught him before he could get on his bike and go home.

"I'm sorry we can play the game ok. It's just I'm kinda distracted-"

"Yeah. You always are. Ever since you and tate happened." Corbyn cut him off.

"I'm sorry but did you really think we weren't going to get girlfriends?"

"They're ruining everything!-"

"It's not my fault you don't like girls!"

Corbyn went silent.

"Did you think we were all just gonna stay in my basement and play d and d for the rest of our lives." Jonah questioned.

"Maybe. Maybe I did. But for sure now, I know that isn't going to happen." Corbyn got on his bike and rode away, tears threatening to fall. He ignored the call from Jonah as he left the drive way.

Jonah went back in the house and down to his basement where Daniel was sitting on the couch.

"Is he ok?" Daniel asked.

"Should be." Jonah answered, flopping down and grabbing a bag of chips off the side table.

The next day, jonah, Daniel, and Corbyn were back in Jonah's basement. The blonde was still sad about what had happened between him and Jonah the day before but other wise sucked it up and hung out with them.

Corbyn couldn't get his mind off of what Jonah said to him yesterday before he left.

"It's not my fault you don't like girls!"

Over and over played in his head. Maybe he didn't. He wanted to find out.

"Hey Jonah can I talk to you? Privately?" Corbyn said still staring off into the distance. He stood up and Jonah followed.

Corbyn lead them to a space behind the stairs.

"What?" Jonah asked

Corbyn leaned over to see if Daniel was listening or watching them but he was just intently staring at the tv.

"Corbyn what-"

"Im sorry." Corbyn cut him off before placing his lips onto jonahs. Jonah pushed him off after he realised what was happening.

"What the hell?!" Jonah exclaimed, privacy catching Daniel's attenion.

Corbyn shushed him before saying, "I'm sorry I wanted to see if i- well- if i was gay I guess."

"So why me!?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry I was just thinking about what you said about me not liking girls a-and-"

"And you wanted to kiss me to see if I was right." Jonah finished his sentence. "Am i?"

"I think so." Corbyn responded blankly.

"It's fine I guess. Just don't do it again. Please." Jonah sighed.

"Turn around"

"Look at what you see"

"In her face"

"The mirror of your dreams"

"Make believe I'm everywhere"

"Given in the light"

"Written on the pages"

"Is the answer to a never ending story"

song: never-ending story

a/n: very much stranger things 3 based. Anyway. Hi. Just wanted to say I'm gonna try to write more and maybe post every week or so (maybe).

Also thanks so so much to 25k reads <3

words: 811

(If Suzie didn't make dunstin sing that song, Hopper would be alive)

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