lookalike ☆ dorbyn+donah

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"but when you look in his eyes, do you think of mine"

"and when you look at that smile do I cross your mind"

Corbyn walked into the lunch room and flopped down at a table with Jack and zach, his best friends. They immediately took notice of the blonde's state. Messy hair and bags underneath his eyes. He was a mess and everyone knew.

"You ok corbs?" Jack asked, putting a comforting hand on his back.

"Not really."

"Well what's wr-"

"Look" Zach cut Jack off and pointed to two people in the distance. Jonah marais and Daniel seavey.

"How can he move on so fast. We broke up yesterday."

"I don't know corbs but I'm sorry about it."

"Its fine Jack. It's not your fault. You weren't the one who texted me at one in the morning just to say you didnt love me anymore. Daniel did that."

Corbyn placed his head in his hands and started to tear up watching Daniel and Jonah smile and laugh together. It broke the blonde and as much as he tried to hide it he couldn't.

Through out the week corbyn always saw Daniel and Jonah walking in the hallways together embraced in eachothers arms. By Friday Corbyn couldn't handle it anymore.

When the blonde got home he called jack. Keeping back tears, Corbyn just vented to his best friend for hours and neither of them minded.

Corbyn needed a lookalike

a/n: merry Chrysler kids. This is rushed sorry.

words: 250

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