eighth grade dance ☆ janah

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Jack was a nervous wreck. His hands were shaking as he tried to tie his tie for the tenth time the night. He'd been in the bathroom for a while before his father finally decided to barge in and help him. Jack's dad successfully tied Jack's neck tie but noticed that one of the buttons on his shirt wasn't done. Jack looked down at his shirt and realised it too. It took about another ten minutes before his shirt was fully buttoned.

Jack walked down stairs as slow as possible, careful not to fall from how much he was visibly shaking. He had no idea why he was so nervous. He didn't have a date anyway.

When the curly haired boy stopped at the front door way his mom started to take hundreds of pictures. It took alot of convincing but she finally stopped so Jack could leave.

His family piled into the car and they all drove to the school. While Jack was at the dance, his sisters and parents would be going out for dinner. Jack kinda wished he could go with them.

On their way to the school Jack's dad kept talking about how he needed to be confident. "Girls always choose the confident ones to dance with." He would say, but Jack never really cared to like girls. He was more into boys then anything.

As the car pulled into the school's parking lot, Jack jumped out and ran to the doors. He walked into the crowded gym filled with a dance floor of teenagers. The decorations inside consisted of different shades of blue. Blue streamers, balloons, table cloths. Everything. It fit well with everyone's outfits which were also all blue for the most part.

Jack became easily bored and decided to have a seat on the bleachers. Moments later, out of the corner of Jack's eye, a tall boy with brown hair appeared.

"Hi." The boy said shyly

"Hello." Jack responded

"You look pretty lonely so I thought I'd come over and give you some company." He suggested.

"Gee thanks." Jack responded sarcastically.

After a minute or so of silence, the DJ announced a slow song. Boys and girls got together on the dance floor and began to sway back and forth.

"Do y-you wanna dance with me?" The taller asked.

"I'm not much of a dancer sorry."

"C'mon I-itll be fun."

The brunette got up and extended his hand for Jack to take. Jack sighed and took his hand. He felt awkward as the taller lead them onto the floor. Everyone seemed to be staring as the boy placed his hands on Jack's waist.

"Don't worry about them. They're all just jealous because they dont get to dance with a beauty like you."


"Hey I didn't get your name?" The boy questioned as he spun Jack around.

"Jack" he said out of breath as the pair's faces came mear inches apart.

"Cool. I'm Jonah by the way."


The two danced and as the song ended a sentence Jack never expected to say escaped his mouth.

"Can I kiss you?" He blurted out

"Of course." Jonah reassured

They both leaned in until their lips touched, neither wanting to pull away. The room fell quiet ass the two continued the kiss. Everyone's attention was on them but neither seems to care.

When they finally pulled away they looked around to see everyone wide eyed and in shock.

"What?" Jonah said grabbing Jack's hand and walking out of the gym.

They entered the hallway and sat down in a comfortable silence.

"That was great i-"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Jonah said quickly cutting Jack off mid sentence.

"Yes! Oh my god! Yes!"

He engulfed his now boyfriend in a strong hug, tackling him onto the ground.

After the dance ended, Jack's mother picked him up. As he got in the car he was flooded with questions.

"How was it? Do you have a girlfriend? Did you dance? Did you-"

"Ok, ok, slow down. And it was fine."

"Did you get a girlfriend?"

"No. I-i got a- I got a boyfriend." He quickly stuttered.

"Sweetie that's amazing! What's his name?"

"Jonah and please dont tell dad or anyone really for that matter."


"Yeah we invent our own little games."

"In our idle town"

"When the lights down at the stadium hey-"

"In our idle town"

"Making life a spinning arcade"

"In our idle town"

"Curfews as midnight. We watch the sun rise"

song: idle town by conan gray

a/n hey sis.

I kinda like this one ok



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