crush culture ☆ janiel+dorbyn

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daniel hated crushes. he hated the thought of them. he hated the fact that no matter who you have a crush on, they'll never like you back. but daniel also hated how many times he'd crush on someone. he definitely wasn't love proof, that's for sure. he'd fall for anybody and everybody. including jack avery, the most popular guy in school.


I walked to my first class of the day alone. I'm kind of glad that Jack was late today. I probably wouldn't be able to talk to him without melting. Not that he'd ever talk to me anyway.

As soon as lunch came around Jack still hadn't showed up. I constantly checked my phone and turned my volume up each time i checked it, on the off chance Jack was to contact me. Or maybe he'd even text me to say he liked me back but I doubt that'll ever happen. He barely knows me.

"he's not gonna call you, quit checking your phone." Corbyn reached across the table to grab my phone out of my hands.

"Hey! And what if he does? No, you're right. He never will. Why do we even have eachothers numbers. It's not like he'd ever date me-"

"Hey! Shut up! And look"

Corbyn pointed to a table somewhat close to us. I looked closer to see Jack sitting with his friends. He looked stressed, I mean he did miss half of school. I don't know what came over me but seeing him like that just made me want to confort him. I mean no one else was and he probably really needs someone right now. So why not.

I got up and went over to his table, hearing Corbyn shout something to get my attention but I didn't know what it was.

"Hey." I said sitting next to Jack

"Uh. Hi?"

"Daniel. Daniel seavey. You know me but you probably don't remember how."

"Oh yeah Daniel. Weren't you at that party on Saturday. And didn't we-"

"Yes and yes we did. But that's not why I'm here."

"Then why are you?"

"Because you looked stressed and I wanna help."

"I am stressed but we really dont have alot of time to talk. Plus I admire your confidence. I'll text you later, what's your number?"

"Oh you already have it."


He got cut off by the bell ringing for next class. I rushed to Corbyn and told him what happened.


Its been weeks and Jack still hasn't texted or called me. I left him many voicemails and texted him so many times but all he did was leave me on 'read.'


Corbyn came over my house to work on a project but I couldn't focus. I kept thinking and talking about Jack. I hated it.

"UGH! why?! Why do I have to like the hottest and most popular guy in school."

"I don't know Dani now can we please-"

"This close! I was THIS CLOSE to going on a date somewhere with him!"

"That's great now can we please-"

"UGH WHY!?!?"

"would you please just stop!!? It's so fucking annoying! All you ever do is talk about Jack! Jack this, Jack that. You don't ever care enough to see how I clearly don't give a shit about any of this! It's just a dumb crush!"

"Corbyn i-"

"Oh he'll never like me back. Right?! It's always like that. You never learn! No matter how hard you try! He'll never text you, call you, make out with you! It! Never! Fucking! Works!"

"A-are you ok? I-"

"Yes Daniel I'm fine! Everything's just fucking peachy ok! I'm doing great. I just love how I have to go through every day keeping my feelings to myself because its all about you Daniel!"

"That's not-"

"Never once have you ever asked me how I felt when I was visibly not ok! I've been keeping to myself for years. You think I'd get used to people not caring about me. But no."

"Corbs. What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say that I love you ok. And not just as friends. I mean more then that. But the only person you care about is Jack so I doesn't ever matter at this point I gue-"

"Get out."

"Wha- why-"

"just please. G-get out."

"Fine I will. But just so you know. Jack obviously doesn't care about you. If he did, we wouldn't be in this situation. So-"

"I said just fucking get out ok!!"

"crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out"

"I know what your doin"

"Tryna get me to pursue ya"

song: crush culture by conan gray

a/n: I'm probably gonna make another part idk. comment if you want that

words: 792

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