8 ☆ jorbyn

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"I know you're not sorry"

"Why should you be?"

"Cause who am I to be in love?"

"When your love"

"Never is for me"

corbyn was madly in love and he couldn't help it. Who was he in love with you might ask? Jonah marais. Corbyn and Jonah had been best friends since they were 8. They were always pretty much attached at the hip. That is until high school.

during their sophomore year, Jonah and Corbyn grew apart. With Jonah getting a girlfriend and Corbyn always just in general, busy. But neither of those things stopped Corbyn from feeling the way he did about Jonah.

Corbyn was in his room after school talking to his best friend Daniel. They were just going back and forth asking eachother random questions.

"Who was your first real crush?" The brunette had asked

"Jonah. And I still like him." Corbyn sighed

"Since when did you like Jonah?"

"Since i was 8"

"That long?! And you still like him?"

"Yes. And I've told him once but now he has a girlfriend."

"When you told him, what did he say?"

"He said he was sorry?" The blonde said, it coming off more as a question.

"I know he's not and he doesn't have to be. It's my fault for falling for him." Corbyn continued.

"Now he just looks at me like I'm see through. We used to be best friends."

"I-Im sorry corbs. I didn't know."

The next day all Corbyn thought about was Jonah, which usually never happened. Most of the time it was an occasional thought or two.

The blonde made it aparent to himself that he would talk to Jonah after school. Now he's standing at the brunettes locker, waiting for him to show up.

"Oh, um hi?" Jonah said, seeing Corbyn infront of his locker.

"Hi. Listen I know you probably don't want to see me because you've moved on but I really need to talk to you. So can we go over to my house and just talk?"

"Talk about what?"

"I don't know I just really need to catch up with you I guess."

"Ok, just let me get my stuff and we can go."

"Really? You've been keeping it a secret for that long? I thought it was just a joke or something" Jonah asked in shock.

The two boys were in the living room of Corbyn's house. They were talking about anything they missed in eachothers lives over the last few years. Corbyn found out Jonah's girlfriend's name was tatum. And Jonah found out about Corbyn's pretty much life long crush on him.

"Look I'm sorry. I guess I was just afraid to tell you how long this has been going on."

"I'm sorry I didn't do this earlier."

"Do wha-"

Corbyn was cut off when Jonah pressed his lips against his. They shared a short but loving kiss, both pulling away but not fully wanting to.

"I guess I better to go." Jonah rushed to gather his things and run out the front door, leaving Corbyn alone with nothing but his thoughts and the lingering taste of Jonah's lips.

"I love you."

8,,, Billie eilish

a/n: thank you for the suggestions I'll get to them asap but I just had this idea and I didn't want to forget it.

Also this song-

words: 564

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