famous ☆ dorbyn

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corbyn besson. one of the most beloved music artists of his time. the vast majority of his base of course, is girls. meaning they all pretty much swooned over him. all of them wanting to get at least one second of his attention. corbyn loved his supporters, obviously, he isn't an asshole.

but there's just one thing. the blonde was gay and the only people who knew where his family, friends, and managers. they wanted to keep his sexuality a secret though, so for publicity, corbyn had to have a fake girlfriend. he hated it really. but to keep his managers happy, he kept up the facade. everything was going fine until the first show of tour.

corbyn's opening act had canceled the week before tour and that meant he needed a replacement. after searching for a few days they found daniel seavey. who had only been in the music business for a few years, 2 or 3 maybe. daniel clearly wasn't a first choice, and he knew that, but it was an amazing gig and the brunette took the job instantly.

it was the first night of tour and daniel was about to go on. he was backstage nervously tossing his microphone around like a bowling pin in a juggling act. of course he almost dropped it when he heard someone behind him.

"break a leg." corbyn's voice was heard.

but before daniel could mutter a thank you, corbyn was already on the way to his green room and the nervous wreck of a boy was being called on stage.

after daniel finished his set it was time for corbyn to go on stage. the two had a brief interaction backstage but couldn't really hear each other over the amount of screaming fans, anxious for corbyn's big enterence.

"hey good luck." daniel quickly said, although the blonde in which he was talking to didn't hear. corbyn ran on stage and daniel brushed the 'interaction' off.

"hey. i feel like i haven't had the chance to talk to you since, well, ever." corbyn panted, as he had just ran off stage. his whole body was glistening with sweat from preforming.

"oh. yeah." daniel nervously laughed. he was caught off guard as corbyn had ran to him sparking conversation.

"do you wanna go to dinner with me and the rest of the team? we go after the first show of every tour." the taller blonde explained.

"um. sure. i can." daniel responded with a tone of anxiety ridden in his voice. to be completely honest, daniel didn't know why he was so nervous. maybe it was the pressure of being around such professional people. or maybe, and most likely, it was how attractive corbyn looked. basically sparkling.

after dinner daniel felt weird. while eating, he kept noticing how corbyn would stare at him and look away every once and awhile. the brunette's mind riddled with questions. was corbyn gay? he had a girlfriend after all. and she was with them at dinner.

daniel once again brushed the thoughts off and got onto the tour bus he shared with corbyn. he decided he would go to sleep since it was late and it would be awhile until they stopped.

daniel woke up from his nap to a warm presence in his bunk.

"what the hell?" the younger questioned, quietly turning over to see a sleeping corbyn facing him.

"dude wake up." daniel said as he shook the elder of the two awake.

"hey. g'morning." corbyn said in a raspy voice that daniel couldn't help but swoon over.

"the fuck are you doing in my bed?" he asked still confused.

"i wanted to sleep with you." the blonde said, readjusting his position to hug a pillow.

"ok but don't you have a girlfriend?" daniel was concerned. he didn't want to be caught in the middle of a cheating scandal.

"fake." was all be muttered before sitting up and stepping out of daniel's bunk. the shorter followed as corbyn walked into the makeshift kitchen to pour a bowl a cereal.

"what do you mean fake?"

"do i really need to explain?" corbyn huffed, grabbing the milk.

"uh yeah. other wise i'm going to be extremely confused and annoyed for the rest of my life."

"'m gay." corbyn nonchalantly said, shoving cereal into his mouth. after chewing he proceeded to explain further. "my managers and junk don't want people finding out. so they stared a whole publicity stunt to fake that i'm in a straight relationship. with a woman."

"ok. so what does she get out of it if you get to hide your identity?" daniel was very invested in the situation now and wanted to know so much.

"I dunno. money probably. doesn't matter. you wanna hang out when we get to boston. we get a day off?"

"sure." daniel said making plans.

"i don't wanna be your second best"

"i wanna be your only one"

"i don't wanna be your late night text"

"when your lonely lookin' for fun"

second best,,,,, younger hunger

a/n: ahaha. what's good. this is loosely based off of a request and i'm finna make a part 2. also sorry i've been gone for so long.

p.s. thinkin bout makin an it one shot book for like reddie or stozier idk. would you be apposed?¿

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