camping trip ☆ dorbyn

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note: they're like 13 in this. K? K.

(read a/n at end thx)

corbyn and daniel have been for awhile. they're always attached at the hip. so you could say they were excited when their teacher said they'd be sharing a tent together on an over night school field trip.

*time skip because I'm lazy*

the two were now sitting in the tent together as the chaperones had called lights out. but neither of them could sleep really.

"corbs, I'm bored. you awake?" daniel whispered.

"yeah. I'm bored too." the blonde replied.

"what'd yo wanna do?"

"not sure" Corbyn said, sitting up on his elbows. Daniel doing the same and facing him.

they both stared into eachothers eyes for a moment, getting closer by the second, neither realising until their faces were almost touching.

"hi." daniel breathed out. corbyn blushing as the brunette smiled.

in that moment something in corbyn took over his body as he placed his lips to daniel's. the blonde wouldn't admit it but ever since him and daniel met he's had a not so small crush on him.

they both pulled away after a minute, corbyn blushing as he let out a nervous laugh.

the more he thought about it the more he messed up. if his dad ever found out about this he'd for sure be dead (with him being extremely homophobic and all).

"i-i'm sorry." The blonde stuttered.

"I didn't mean it i-"

"no it's fine. I liked it. really." Daniel reassured.

"but I can't. I just- my dad-"

"dont worry it's fine. Let's just got to bed and forget it never happened I guess." Daniel said, laying down with his back to Corbyn.

it had now been a few days after the trip and corbyn was staying over Daniel's house, a common thing for the two. they were currently showing a baseball back and forth to occupy their time.

daniel had gotten bored and decided it'd be a good idea to throw his mit at corbyn.

"hey not funny." corbyn laughed, throwing his back at daniel and proceeding to chase him around the lawn.

daniel had tripped over something, falling to the ground on his back, corbyn on top of him. they gazed into each others eyes, laughing lighting until corbyn's phone dinged.

"my dad. sorry. he wants me to come home."

"do you want to leave?" daniel asked.

"I dont know."

without saying anything, daniel got up and stormed into the house and up to his room.

"Hey I texted my dad. I said I'm spending the night here." corbyn said, walking into daniel's room, the brunette laying on his bed.

"cool." he lazily responded.

"look I'm sorry I guess. I dont really know what I did but." corbyn spoke, playing with Daniel's shoelaces.

"can you stop?!" Daniel exclaimed, kicking corbyn in the stomach a little too hard.

"ow! what the hell?!" corbyn fell into a sitting position on the floor.

"I'm sorry, I didnt mean to kick you that hard-"

"why'd you kick me at all." corbyn cut off as daniel sat in front of him.

"it's not nice to lead people on." daniel simply stated.

"I dont know what you mean."

"what do you mean you don't know what I mean?! you kissed me in that tent! and today you're acting like this! I dont get you-"

corbyn cut him off again by placing his lips on daniel's once more. this time only for a second.

"Love my way, it's a new road"

"I follow where my mind goes"

love my way,,,the phycadelic furs

a/n: *forgets about posting every week* also might fuck around and write a book, would y'all read it?

words: 617

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