Chapter 1: Captured

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It started off as a normal mission. We had to catch a thief. Lucy, Gray, Erza, and I all went to this mission. Happy had gone on a mission with Wendy and Carla. To catch the thief, we split up. I went with Lucy and Gray and Erza went together. That's when things went bad.

"Hey Natsu. What kind of magic do you think the thief uses?" Lucy asks. You see, the request said that the thief uses magic, but nobody knows what kind. "I don't know. Maybe some kind of fire magic" I said in hope. I was hungry. "Well, I hope it's nothing too dangerous so we won't get hurt" Lucy said.

Lucy was worried. I could tell. "Don't worry Luce. If anything happens, I'll protect you" I said with my childish grin. You may not know this, but Lucy is my mate. I say you may not know this because Lucy herself doesn't know this either. Lucy smiled back at me.

Lucy opened her mouth to respond, but Erza and Gray's signal was shot up. We had signals set up for when we saw the thief. The signal means that they're fighting the thief and need help. I can't believe Erza needs help. The thief's magic must be dangerous and strong.

Lucy and I ran to where Erza and Gray were fighting the thief. Only, there were 8 people there all fighting against Erza and Gray. Both were fighting 4 out of the 8. Turns out, there was a group instead of just one thief.

When Lucy and I showed up the mages split up. Erza and Gray were both fight 2, Lucy was fighting one mage, and I was up against 3.

"I'm all fired up!" I shouted. This was great. They thought they needed more mages against me than Erza. I guess I'm stronger.

Roar of the Fire Dragon!

As the pillar of fire I just breathed out of my mouth blasted toward the 3 mages, they jumped out of the way. These people were going to be hard to hit.

"Why are you stealing?" I asked trying to distract them. "To attract a certain mage here, and he came. We are taking you to our master, Natsu Dragneel!" one of the mages told me. He was the tallest of the three. "What?" I asked sharpley. "Yeah. So if anyone gets hurt here, it would be all your fault!" He continued. He was wrong. That's not true. "YOU'RE LYING" I yelled. It's not true. I know it.

As soon as I screamed that, i heard a loud scream pierce the air. I turned to see what had happened. No. Nonononono! NOOOOO! This isn't happening. I was running out of breath. Breathe Natsu, breathe. I couldn't comprehend what had happened.

I saw Lucy laying in a puddle of her own blood. The mage fighting against her standing above her with a smirk, pulling his sword out of her stomach.

They had planned this. I can see it in all their smirks. "LUCY!" Gray and Erza called. I was shaking with rage.

"You really shouldn't have done that" I said lowly. "You hurt my mate. And a dragon slayer is the same as a dragon when their mate is hurt. They put whoever did it in HELL!" I was growling.

"S-she's your m-mate?" the mage who had hurt her stuttered. I nodded glaring. My hair covering my eyes. "Erza. Gray." I said. They looked over. "Y-yes, Natsu?" Gray asked. "I'll take the guy who hurt Lucy plus 3 more. You guys get the other 4" I said through gritted teeth. Both nodded knowing not to get in my way. That's when I lunged.

I lunged at the guy who hurt Lucy, without even using magic, and punched him in the face. I know I should have used my magic but I wanted to save him for last.

The other 3 mages I was fighting are the 3 I fought before.


I can't believe they hurt Lucy like that. It was like they wanted to anger Natsu, while lessening their enemies. It was an ok plan. Now, Natsu's fighting 4 of them while Gray and I have the other 4. Natsu looked really scary when he saw what had happened. He also said that Lucy was his mate, so he's even more angry than they predicted.

One of us has to go check on Lucy. "Gray! Go check on Lucy! Protect her!" I told Gray. He nodded and ran over to Lucy.


I ran over to Lucy. It wasn't looking good for her. She needed help. Fast. I looked around. We were in the woods. No one could help here. I have to find some help soon.

While I was looking around, one of the mages snuck up behind me and grabbed Lucy. "HEY! LET HER GO!" I shouted. Oh god. Erza was going to kill me, if she gets to me before Natsu does. Now that I think about it... NATSU IS GOING TO KILL ME! I got to think. What can I do to save Lucy? I took a stance to fight.

And was knocked away. Aparently, this mage is one of the ones Erza was fighting, since Natsu had all four he was fighting... on the ground, except for the one who had hurt Lucy. He had that one by the collar and wasa about to puonch his face when he had looked up and saw Lucy in the mages hold. That gave the mage he was holding enough time to push Natsu into me.


"Gray! Go check on Lucy! Protect her!" I heard Erza yell. Good, now they can't hurt Lucy anymore. I had taken down 3 of the 4 mages I had been fighting. The 4th one was in my hands. I had him by the collar. I was about to punch his face in since he was the one who had stabbed Lucy, when I looked up. Another mage had Lucy in his hands.

Gray was supposed to protect her. How does this mage have her? I looked at Gray who was in a fighting stance. This hestitation gave the mage I had a hold on enough time to push me into Gray. We went tumbling on the ground a few more feet away from Lucy.

"GRAY! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT LUCY!" I yelled at him while I kept my eyes on Lucy and the mage that held her. "Sorry Natsu" Gray told me softly. I could tell he was really sorry but that didn't help the situation at hand.

"Natsu. I will let this girl go if you come with us." I thought about it. "Without hurting her?" I asked. I had to make sure she wouldn't get hurt anymore. The mage nodded. "NATSU! DON'T DO IT!" Gray yelled. I looked over to Erza to see her fighting the other 3 mages. It looked like she was running low on magical energy. She was concentrating though. "Natsu" I heard Lucy whisper. "Don't" She managed. She coughed up blood. She really needed help. I nodded. "Ok, I'll come" I say lowly.

The mage who had Lucy nodded at the mage who hurt her. The mage who hurt Lucy came up to me, I growled but didn't attack. He put magical handcuffs on me that drain my magic power. I hate those.

The mage with Lucy let her go once I was handcuffed. She dropped to thr ground unconscious. "Ok, time to go" A mage said. I looked behind and saw one of the mages Erza was fighting. They all nodded and gathered into a group, with me in the middle. One of the mages used teleportation magic and teleported away.

The last thing I saw was Erza and Gray picking up Lucy, looking my way with a sad look, and running for a doctor.

Goodbye, Lucy.

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