Chapter 15: Some Things Go Wrong

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail! 

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"Uhg!" I groaned. I know I was captured. I also know that I was knocked out. But how did I end up in a closet tied up? This was not my plan. That's right, I planned to be captured because I knew that they would bring me to Natsu. Oh well, might as well take my keys- THEY TOOK MY KEYS! Great, how am I supposed to escape now?

Something shining caught the corner of my eye. A..a piece of... of glass? It's on the ground, but I have to get it. I have to escape. If I do, I can go find Natsu. Yeah, I knew who was capturing me. That's why I purposely left alone. I knew they would come for me. I also knew they would bring me straight to Natsu. What I didn't know was that they were smart enough to take my keys and whip...

Lets see, I can reach the glass if I bend down and stretch my arm backwards. Which is exactly what I tried. I bent down, crouched in a stupid cramped closet. My fingers kept inching nearer and nearer each time I stretched further. I almost got it- and I cut my finger. Oh, well! Gotta keep trying.

That's how I spent a good 10 minutes trying to get the stupid piece of glass. Then, I finally got the glass in my hands and I cut the ropes tying me. Good thing too, they were digging into my skin. I have rope burn. Even better! I'm getting burns even without Natsu around. Lucky me...

I went to open the door to find out they didn't lock it. Good! It's all going according to plan. I thought rubbing my hands together. And now I sound evil. What happened to me?

I walked around for a while searching for Natsu. I had to hide a few times, having passed one of the thieves. I will get them back once I get my keys and whip. After about 45 minutes of me walking around, a siren went off. Did they really just find out that I escaped? I sweat dropped.


Lucy's here! She's gonna help me! I'm going to be saved. I gotta try to get myself out of these chains. I gotta try to help Lucy help me. I was still smirking at Kate. She looked at me horror filled. "I gotta find her!" Kate screamed, running off up stairs. Now's my chance. I'm alone so I can try to break the chains. I starting pulling with the strength that I had left. My arms were shaking from exhaustion, but I had to keep it up.

I moaned in pain. "I can't quit!" I whispered to myself. "I need to help Lucy!"

I started to pull again. Just when I think I almost have, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I stop my pulling for now. I can't let them know what I was doing. I really hope it's not the Master coming down. He's pretty much the only one who would notice that I tried to break out.

My hopes came true. It wasn't the Master! It was someone else. Someone's scent was floating into my nose. My heart rose! I sniffed out the scent a bit more.

I know who this is!


"What happened?" I asked Happy. Tears were still freely coming out of his eyes. He looked at me for guidance. "I was flying past Lucy's house when I heard someone inside. I looked inside and saw some of the theives taking Lucy. They transported to wherever they are hiding Natsu! I'm sure of it!" Happy told me. I nodded. "I agree with you Happy" I said trying to calm him down. I actually did agree with Happy, so it killed two birds with one stone...sort of.

"Is it possible that you saw them taking someone else? Someone not Lu-chan?" Levy asked in hope. She looked so worn out and sad. Gajeel better help her out. Happy shook his head. "I know they took Lucy" he said confidently. Well, that just confirmed it. Lucy was gone. Kidnapped. Captured.

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