Chapter 23: Losing Control

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He caused this! He caused this! He caused this! This guy is the reason. He caused so many problems. He has messed with my head and my mate too many times. He was going down.

And down he went. He finally fell. I did not stop though. This guy hurt my mate. She might d-d-di... I can't even think about it. It brings shutters to my body. Horror fills my mind when that thought floats through my head. I experienced this twice before. The first time was during the Grand Magic Games. Yes, it was future Lucy, but it's still Lucy. The bastard Rogue from the future killed her. I didn't know at the time that Lucy was my mate but I still let my anger get control.

The second time was a lie. It was recently, while I was trapped in the stupid cage where Lucy, my mate, was tortured by Codin, the freak of a master. I shivered at the thought. Just remembering the horror and panic I felt scared me. The pain of thinking Lucy died was horrible. I remembered when Rob came next to his cell. He hurt me with the news. I just let my anger take over, now. I couldn't control it any longer.

The dragon inside me roared.


We raced back to the guild. Lucy needed to get back as soon as she could. I hate how far away the guild is. "Happy go ahead with Lucy!" Juvia yelled, and I was relieved when she did. Lucy wasn't looking too hot right now. Blood dripped form her gash, lightly splashing the ground we ran over. The drops of blood left a trail that anyone or anything could follow. You could pick the crimson color of blood easily, as it had a brighter shade then the forest green grass, it easily stood out. I could hear Lucy's breathing get shallower as the time passed by. My dragon senses caught the smell of the blood and the sound of her breathing easily.

"Aye sir!" Happy yelled, as he forced himself to go into max speed. I gasped in breath after breath, starring after them, watching the blue flying cat carrying a hurt girl, who was bleeding from a deep wound. I wonder what strangers will say when the see that. "Juvia is running out of breath." Juvia stated, running next to me at my pace. "Me too, but we have to keep going. Lucy needs help." I said, giving both her and me motivation to not stop. A bright light shone in the distance, the direction that the fight was happening, which was behind us. We saw the light out of the corner of our eyes. "Is that Natsu?" I asked with surprise and concern. He never let his anger take control, so what was he doing?

Juvia stared off into the distance, not having the answer. Her eyes seemed to say yes to my question, though. "Juvia?" I mumbled, hoping for her to answer me. She shook her head, finding her way out of her thoughts. "Juvia thinks is was Natsu. I hope he doesn't do anything he'll regret..." She trailed off, looking sincere. I nodded with tears in my eyes. Just then, a sound was made so loud, I was pretty sure everyone in Magnolia, no Fiore, could here it. It sounded painful, like death itself. "What was that?" Juvia asked. I knew what it was perfectly, but Juvia, having never been there when Natsu got angry enough wouldn't know what it was. He always tried to control his anger just enough, even though it didn't seem like it. He only got angry enough to do this when a guild mate, his family, is threatened. Especially Lucy, who was the one that got hurt this time. My eyes wideed a bit because I just remembered that Lucy is Natsu's mate.

"Natsu's lost control of his anger. He just roared." I answered her question quietly. I was worried about this situation that I couldn't even be there to help. Hopefully, Gajeel will know what to do and what not to do. He will know how to stop Natsu, right?


Oh, Salamander has done it now. How could he let his anger loose? I know he knows what's going to happen because of this, and it isn't going to be pretty. I suppose I could enlist the help of my fellow guild mates, Erza and Gray, but I'm not even sure if that will be enough. I growled, angry that Natsu was doing this. The person I was fighting was starring in shock at the scene, not blinking. I guess he was surprised, but who wouldn't be? He was seeing a Fairy Tail mage attack someone that was already defeated. I glanced at Erza and Gray, hoping that they would know what to do. They didn't so I shouted "Erza! Gray! We have to stop Natsu! He's going to kill that guy!"

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