Chapter 10: The Only Hope that Lives

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail! PLEASE COMMENT! 


She's alive. My Lucy is alive. She's not dead. She's breathing. Her hearts beating. All that stuff that happens around your body, yeah, it's happening around hers too! Hope swelled inside me when I heard this. Lucy will get me out, just like I get her out of sticky situations Lucy, Gray, and Erza will come get me! Lucy will come save me!

I looked toward Rose. "Why did you tell me that truth?" I asked. "Not to be ungrateful, but you know... You sort of helped capture me and help hurt my friends..." I said, trying to figure her out. She smiled at me. Not a smirk, but a friendly smile. One that I didn't think an evil mage could make. Maybe...she's not evil? "I saw how much you were hurting. I wanted to help." she answered. I think she's hiding something. Her eyes shifted away from me when she answered. She was a little stiff too, just enough that a Dragon slayer with enhanced eyesight could barely see. I decided not to push her and my luck.

"Well, you did help. Thanks!" I told her. She smiled, seeing as I wasn't pushing her. She turned to walk away, but I stopped her. "Rose!" I shouted. She looked over her shoulder. I gave her a big childish grin. "I hope we can become friends" I say softly, not wanting her to get in trouble.


I looked over my shoulder when Natsu called my name. He looked like a child. With that goofy grin he had and those sparkling oynx eyes. The chains ruined it though. The chains took away the innocence that was showing through that smile. "I hope we can become friends" he says softly. I guess he doesn't want anyone to over hear. It was just loud enough for a dragon slayer like myself to hear.

I turn away, not wanting to show him my smile. I already gave him hope. He had enough. I walk up the stairs. Maybe he'll give up the information just to see Lucy. That would be great if he did. He would be able to leave peacefully if he did.

"Hey Rose, what'cha thinking?" Cody asked. His blonde hair was, as always, hanging in front of his blue eyes. He was always curious about this stuff. Never minding personal space. "About how if Natsu would give up and tell us what we want to know, he would be able to leave." I said. He looked confused. "What?" I asked. "You don't low" he whispers. "What?" I asked, even more confused now. "Master never lets anyone leave alive. They are alway killed" he answers. I gasp in horror. No. Natsu can't be killed. Master then walked by.

"What are you doing, Master?" I asked. I'm going to start the questioning" he answered. He continued on walking past us. He walked to the stairs, and then turned back. "You guys can join if you want" he said with a slight smirk. I know what that means. He plans to do more than just questioning.

He just offered to be friends. I can't let him die now, because he made me so happy. Natsu would be my second official friend. But I don't have a plan to break him out. I don't know what to do.

I'm losing all my hope.


"Once Lucy wakes up, we can leave" I told Erza, Wendy, and the 2 exceeds. We were getting impatient. Lucy had just recovered, but we still did not know where Natsu was. He could be anywhere.

"When we leave, what should we do first?" Wendy asks, worried. "We should go to the guild." Erza said commandingly. "Why?" I ask. I know, I just talked back to Erza. I'm dead. But I have a good reason. "I'm not trying to disobey, Erza. I'm asking why because Natsu was captured. Shouldn't we chase after them?" I questioned, broadening the question. "Levy's there. She'll help us find the location" Erza explained shortly. Now, I get that.

"Alright, I understand" I answered. Wendy sniffled. "I hope Natsu is ok" she said softly. Erza and I looked down at her. "It's Natsu" I said and Erza said "He'll be ok" right after me. Wendy smiled through her tears at us. Lucy gasps as she shot up in her bed.

She looked around the room. "Are you ok, Lucy" I ask, worried about my pseudo-sister. She nodded. "I just expected Na-" she pauses, not wanting to hurt our feelings and not wanting to burst out into tears herself. I could see she wanted to. "We'll find him, Lucy" Erza said determinedly. I nodded and Wendy smiled at her. We won't give up. But I got to say, Natsu has been gone for a while. He'd usually break free and be home 2 hours after being captured.

I'm starting to lose a little hope.


We were packing up all the stuff. Gray was like my older brother. He always worries about me and helps me. I couldn't ask for anything else from him. But now, he's going to be protecting me and never leaving my side. That's what almost getting killed does to you. Not to mention, the pain that you have, even though a dragon slayer who uses healing magic heals you.

When we packed all of our things (the room was messy, as you can expect from Fairy Tail members), we walked out of the doctors, into the fresh cool air. I'm finally out. I'm finally healed. I finally have my life back.

Things will be different from now on though. From that little scare, not just Gray will be overprotective of me, but also Erza and eve little Wendy will be. And I can't even think about how protective Natsu will be when he gets back. He has always been so protective of me. This is just going to fuel his fire.

We trudged to the train station. I can't help but think of Natsu and his hatred of transportation. I miss him. But I'll get him back.

I won't give up.


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