Chapter 7: Saving Lucy

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail!


Lucy just flatlined. Oh, no! I had tears brimming in the corners of my eyes. How can I fix this. Oh, right! Erza has lightning armor. Maybe she can shock Lucy back to life. Yeah, that could work. I ran out of Lucy's room... and straight into an armored chest.


I heard Lucy flatline. Gray and I looked at each other in panic. We both shot up from our seats. We ran through the hallways, looking for Lucy's room. I hope we went the right way through our panic. We were breathing heavily, running as fast as we can. Just then, a little blue-haired girl darted out of the run and ran into me. I fell back from the force of the hit. "E-Erza" Wendy stuttered, getting up from tackling me. "L-Lucy just flatlined. I need you to use your lightning armor to shock her back to life." I nodded, agreeing. "Just tell me what to do" I said determined. I got up to walk into Lucy's room.

"Gray, you can't come in" Wendy said standing in the door. "B-But" Gray started, stuttering. Wendy's stubbornness kicked in. "No! We need to help Lucy! I'll send Erza to come get you when you can come in! Now, leave so we can get to Lucy and help!" Wendy yelled at Gray. Gray nodded sadly, seeing as if he argued more, Lucy wouldn't get the help she needed fast enough.

I walked in, requiping into my lightning armor. "Wendy. What should I do?" I asked. I stood in my armor, my braid running down my back. "I need you to only use a little shock. Just enough to get her heart back into rhythm." She explained. I nodded.

I took a deep breath and walked up to Lucy. "I'm sorry Lucy" I whisper, and then I shocked her. he first time didn't work. "Again!" Wendy commanded. I nodded, and did it again. It didn't work! I gulped down my sadness, having to stay strong for Lucy. "Again, Erza, again!" Wendy yelled. I shocked Lucy once more and her body convoluted. My eyes widened. "Is she..." My question trailed off, as I saw Lucy take a breathe. I sighed in relief. "Thank god" I said with relief in my voice.

Wendy sighed, closing her eyes in relief. The doctor smiled at me. "Good work, Erza-san" he said. I nodded. "Ok, we have to get back to work." Wendy said. She turned to the doctor. "Finish the stitches. I'll continue my magic." She then turned to me. "Erza, can you tell Gray that you and he can home in in an hour" she said. I nodded and walked out of the room, still in shock a little.


"How's the stitches going?" I ask. I couldn't hold my magic must longer. "Just two more" the doctor said, sweating a little. I nodded. "Alright, finished." the doctor said. I sighed in relief. "The biggest wound is done. All we can do now, is let Lucy rest, and hopefully she'll recover fast." I said.

It had been 50 minutes since she has flatlined. Erza and Gray will be coming in 10 minutes. "Lucy's stabilized, so you can go now. I'll take care of the rest" I said to the doctor. The doctor smiled and said "I'm glad you were able to save Lucy-san!" I smiled back. "Thanks for helping me" I replied.


Erza had come back to me after 15 minutes saying that in an hour, we could go back and see Lucy. I sighed in relief. That means Lucy is alive. Since then, I've been pacing in the waiting room, waiting for an hour to be up. Erza sighed. "Gray, calm down. We can see Lucy in 5 minutes." She said. I forced a small smile. "I know, but I just can't wait." I replied. "Well, why don't we start walking to Lucy's room" Erza suggested. I nodded right as she finished the sentence.

We walked down the hallway to Lucy's room. I was ahead of Erza, impatient to see Lucy ok. Right as we walked up to Lucy's room, the door opened. The doctor walked out smiling. That's a good sign. "She's ok. You can go in now" he said, and then he walked to his office.

We walked inside. "Hey, Wendy! The doctor said we could come in" I said. Wendy smiled tiredly at me. "Yeah. Lucy will be ok. She's just resting now" she explained to me. I nodded. "Thanks, Wendy! Now, go get some rest" I told her. She nodded and curled up in her seat.

That's when Happy and Charla walked in. "We heard what happened. Is Lucy ok?" Charla asked. "Lushee" happy said sadly. I nodded, to answer Charla's question. "Good" Charla said in relief. She went over to Wendy and curled p next to her. Wendy hugged Charla into her chest. Happy went over to Lucy and curled next to her. Lucy sighed in content, feeling a presence next to her. She smiled in her sleep. I guess Wendy gave her pain medicine.

"Hey, Lucy. I'm glad you're ok! I'm sorry what happened though. I wish I could have helped more" I whispered to her. I was holding her hand. I felt her grip tighten. I had heard that people who slept could hear outside them. I guess they can. I sighed. "Thank god you're ok" I said.

Erza put her hand on my shoulder. "Gray, Lucy's alive! And it's not your fault she was hurt" Erza said. I smiled at her. "Yeah, thanks Erza" I said. Erza smiled at me. "So, when Lucy wakes up, we can bring her back to the guild?" Erza asks. "I think so" I replied. "I mean, Wendy did say Lucy just needs to rest. So why not?" I ask. Erza smiled. I guess I should call the guild" Erza said. I nodded.


"I heard that the Lucy girl flatlined" Tyler says. He had archive magic. All our eyes widened. "But, Erza and a little girl named Wenday saved her" he continued. "Can we tell Natsu that Lucy flatlined, but not that she was saved? Make him think Lucy's dead." Rob asked. He was always cruel.

"Sure! Just make sure he can't use his magic" our Master said. Rob cheered and ran down to Natsu. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked. "Yes, he won't believe Rob anyway" the Master answered. "I guess so" I said, realizing this.

I heard a roar that shook the building. Master raised his eyebrow. "Maybe he did believe" I whispered in sadness. Wait.. why sadness? I wasn't feeling considerate for Natsu, was I?

I gulped. Maybe I go tell him the truth.

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