Chapter 13: Lucy

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail!


Everyone was silent as they stared at Gray. He had just finished the explanation about what had happened on our job. I guess they were so shocked about it. After about a minute, Levy yelled "We need to bring Natsu back!" Then everyone cheered in agreement. My heart swelled with more hope as I heard everyone's determination to get Natsu back.

There was no way we would lose him at all. He will come back!

Gray got down from the stage. "Do you think they will let him go?" he asks sarcastically. I smiled through my tears, that have somehow broken free of the dam that I built since I heard. "No way" I said happily. "Ok! Time to get searching!" Someone yelled. I can't figure it out because after that, everyone started to speak to each other giving each other ideas and such.

"I think we may need to quiet down" Wendy voice through her quietness. No one heard her except Erza though, who took it upon herself to help little Wendy. "QUIET! LISTEN TO WENDY WHEN SHE SPEAKS!" Erza yelled, snapping. Everyone snaps their head into Wendy's direction, not wanting to face the she-devil. "Everyone needs to quiet down, so we can listen to each others ideas" Wendy explains.

Everyone looked as though a light bulb brightened above her head. "she's right!" "Lets listen!" "Wendy's smart" were heard throughout the guild. Then, as one, everyone quiets down. "Wow. Wendy managed the usually impossible... "Master sweat-dropped saying this.

"Ok! I think I'll go use my magic to track Natsu" Levy said, rushing off into a corner of the guild to work in peace. "I'll go help" Gajeel said following her. No one knew how he could help her use her own magic, but no one was going to bring that up. Lily flew over there with Gajeel and Levy, not wanting to be left alone. Levy looked up when she got to her corner. "Maybe everyone else should go searching through the town" she said thoughtfully. "That's a great idea!" Mira said and se used take-over for Satan Soul.

Everyone looked at her like she was crazy. She sighed and started to explain "I might find them and have to use magic, so I want to be prepared. Plus, I move faster in this form."

I looked on in happiness. I can't believe everyone was this determined. Actually, this was Fairy Tail. If I really look at it, it seems like everyone is just as determined to do this as anything else they put their minds to. I walked over to Levy. "Do you want any help looking through books? Or should I go with everyone else?" I asked.

She looked up from her book she was going through. "Can you help? I'm searching for a certain tracking spell. It's called *Tsuiseki*" she said. I nodded and sat down.

Gajeel, Levy, and I sat there for hours on end looking for the spell. We looked through many books, thinking that at least one of them had to have them. Gajeel got up about 4 times to exchange the books for new ones.

Finally, after about 5 hours of reading and searching, Levy found it. She had screamed "FOUND IT" really loudly. I jumped away while Gajeel looked at her like she was crazy. "What''d ya find, Shrimp? the tracking spell?" Gajeel asked. She nodded. "It's right here" she said pointing at the spell.

We read off the page. "It says that in order to track someone down, you need something important from them" Levy read. She looks at me. "What's important to Natsu?" she asks. I thought about it. "His scarf...Happy if you count living things..." I said thinking hard about it.

Really, Natsu just kept the most important things nearby him or on him. "I don't think you'll find anything" I said sadly, knowing you can't use living things for this spell. Levy looks down sadly. "I guess I'll have to find some other spell" she said. I nodded and sat back down, only to yawn.

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