Chapter 17: The Worst Has Yet to Come

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail!

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No. No no no no no! NO! I was cursing myself in my mind. How could I let this happen? How could I let Lucy be in the same room, well cage, as Codin? I'm so stupid! I need to get free. I need to save Lucy.

Codin took a step into my cell. My eyes narrowed. He smirked at me. "Look at that. You're right where I wanted you to be" Codin said softly to Lucy. I growled at him. "Stay. Away." I said in a dangerous voice. He looked up at me with a perfectly raised eyebrow. "And what if I don't?" he asked in a teasingly way.

My eyes flashed with anger. He just threatened my mate and expects to live after it. I hope he doesn't make too many plans.

"Now..." he trailed off, he's eyes flashing over to Lucy before back to me. "Shall we begin?"


I was following Loke's key with everyone else. We were all hoping to speed to the rescue for them. Unfortunetely, the key moved realy slow and we were walking at a turtle's pace. I mentally forced my thoughts of going faster toward the key... and... it didn't work. The key keep going the same pace.

I sighed and fidgeted in anticipation, waiting for the key to either go faster or to find Lucy. Oh! And Flame-brain. We had a long journey to make, it seens like. And we've only walked about 2 blocks from Fairy Tail.

UGH! This is going to take forever. I looked around to see that everyone else was thinking the same thing. "Hey Gray! Do you think we'll make it in time?" Happy asked worriedly. I looked over to him. I saw that his eyes don't have the usual spark they have in them.

Usually, his eyes always sparkle. They do when he's eating fish, making fun of Lucy, and when he's just plain hanging out with Natsu. But now Lucy and Natsu are gone, and it's effecting hi a lot. I open my mouth to speak when all of a sudden, Charla falls down.

"Charla? Charla? CHARLA?" Happy yelled as he tried to shake her awake. "Happy, she won't wake up" Wendy started. "Huh? Why not?" I asked confused. Juvai, Erza, Lily, and yes, even Gajeel stood to the side looking worriedly at the white cat.

"Because she's having a premonition" Wendy answered, her eyes squarely on Charla.

"I hope she wakes up soon" I whisper to myself as I watched Happy sniffle next to the white exceed.

CHARLA'S POV (Italics are what Charla thinks of each flash)

Flashes of the future were appearing in my head. First, I saw Natsu puling on chains. He was captured. Next, I saw a man with black hair beating up Lucy, who was crying. That's horrible! After that, I saw a building I recognized, one from Magnolia, collapse on fire. What? Is that where they are? Then, it flashed to Natsu hugging Lucy as he cried. What's happening? Than, it shows me Natsu's face as he glares at someone with hatred. Fire came off him and scales were forming under his eyes. Scary! It showed me the man beating up Lucy laughing and then Natsu and the man rush each other. I hope Natsu wins! I saw Natsu walking off into the distance with a look of longing on his face. Huh? Then I saw a really big creature, as Natsu stood in front of it. What is that thing?

I shot up as the premonition finished. I was gasping for breathes as everyone stared at me. "Charla, what did you see?" Wendy asked me softly. I was sweating and shaking from the premonition. "I-I-I saw" I stuttered. "It's ok, take your time" Erza told me kindly. I nodded and tried to calm down from it.

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