Chapter 8: Natsu's Horror

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail! Also, I'm now back to Natsu! The last 2 chapters didn't have his pov, but this one will!

Important message: PLEASE COMMENT! 


I had just woken up from my horrible dream. You know, the one where Lucy was dead. Yeah, thank god it was a dream. I don't know what I would do if that dream became reality. Lucy. My Lucy. Yeah, she's not dead. She's too strong to be dead.

I narrow my eyes. My ears picked up on footsteps. When a person turned the corner, I growled on instinct. I have now come to terms that I have been captured. Oh well, it's not like I'll give them information. And I'm still smiling, because my Lucy was safe, getting treated by a doctor, or even better, Wendy. I just don't smile in front of these people. The ones who hurt Lucy. The ones who hurt my mate.

Rob turned the corner. I remember their names from when Rose introduced them to me. Yeah, kind of me! He smirked. You remember how they had malice in their eyes? Well, right now, Rob had that look of malice times 10. This might go bad.

"Hi Natsu! I have some good news for you!" He said all perky. Yeah right! That must mean bad news. "Oh, yeah?" I ask. "Yeah" he replies. Oh, god. I hope he's not trying to start that repeating game. "So, what is it?" I ask after a moment of silence. "I'll tell you in a minute. I have to make sure you can't use your magic" he says looking at my handcuffs. There's no real need, since they had me chained to the wall. The handcuffs are linked to a big tank, that holds all my drained magic. To escape, I would have to pull the chains out of the wall, but I can't do that when the chains are 3 inches thick!

"Ok, looks good to me!" He says. Then he leans close. Too close. He stupidly smirks. "You know, that Lucy-chick was pretty cute" he says. I narrow my eyes. "Why are you talking about Lucy?" I ask. He has no right. "Oh, because my news is about her" he says with a smirk. I froze. "What about Lucy?" I ask. He can tell that I'm all ears now. "I came to tell you about... her condition" he says pausing between the words 'about' and 'her'. That did not go well with my.

"W-what about her condition?" I asked, stuttering on the first word. Damn it! He snickered a little. "She... was alive for a little bit" he said, putting importance on was. Wait... was? What does he mean by was? Is she alive? Is she dead? What happened to her? He didn't continue.

I gulped. I didn't want to plead with him, but I needed this information. He started to walk away. "WAIT!" I yell. He stops but doesn't turn back. "Please. Tell me what happened to Lucy, please" I pleaded. He turns a little. Just enough so half his body was in the shadows. One of his eyes' looked red. "You really want to know?" He asks. I nodded, wanting, no needing to know.

"She flatlined" he said shortly. "She's dead" My eyes widened. "No" I whispered. My breathing was getting heavy. "No" I said louder. "You're lying! Tell me you're lying!" I screamed. He didn't do anything as I thrashed and kicked my chains, trying to get out. Trying to get to him. "No. Tyler has archive magic. He used his magic to see" Rob explained. I started snarling. "You're lying." I snarled. My heart was pounding against my rib-cage in my panic.

My wrists hurt as I twisted them against the chains. I moved as close to the bars the chains would let me. I teeth grinding together in my panic and anger. Rob showed me his stupid smirk. He enjoyed this. He was enjoying watching me in agony. That's sick.

"Learn to control yourself Natsu" Rob says as he walks away. "Come back! Tell me the truth! THE TRUTH!" I yelled at him. He just continued walking away. I felt something in my emotional state. The dragon in me was telling my something. That I had to do something. I did the one thing that came to mind, as I fought with the dragon. The one thing the dragon told me to do. Roar.

My roar shook the building, but I didn't care. They said Lucy was dead. Lucy wasn't dead. Definitely not. There was no way. This is what they enjoy. Telling people their nightmares came true, just to see them in agony. I looked out the high window in my cell. I started to shake. Things were not going my way. It's a copy. A copy of my nightmare. It was sunny outside. The light shone through the window that I now felt anger at.

Lucy. Lucy. Lucy. Lucy. She's ok. She's alive. They lied to me. Gray and Erza saved her. There was nothing else I could think of. If I had my eyes open, I was living reality in my nightmare. If I had my eyes closed, I was replaying the nightmare inside my mind. There was no way to escape this.

It was living hell.

But I know Lucy was ok, right?

This was all Will's fault.


I gasped as I shot up in my bed. I had this horrible nightmare. It was sort of like what happened on our job, but I was alone when I was attacked. Gray, Erza, and Natsu- NATSU! He was taken!

I gulped down my panic. I needed to talk to someone. Who could I talk to? Maybe Gray or Erza. I cleared my throat. It hurt a little. I looked around the room. Happy was curled into me, like a little kitten. It was cute. Charla and Wendy were curled into each other on the chair. I decided not to call out. I stood up, a little wobbly. "Gray?" I called shakily. I knew he and Erza were around here somewhere. As soon as I called, I saw Gray running around the corner with concern on his face.

"Lucy!" He yelled in relief, and hugged me tight to his chest. We had a brother-sister relationship. "I'm glad you're alright!" He said. I nodded. "Was Natsu really taken?" I asked lowly, getting straight to the point. He froze. I looked into his eyes, as they fought between what to say to me. Finally, he sighed and ran a hand through his dark navy blue hair. "Yeah, Lucy! They took him" he answered with sadness in his eyes. I shook and collapsed into him. "Why?" I asked. "Why Natsu? Why not me?" "Don't you dare ask that!" Gray said sharply. He knew I was just in grief, but I shouldn't be saying that. Hell, even I knew I shouldn't say that. Yet, I didn't care.

Gray sighed. "You need to rest more Lucy" he said as he lightly dragged me to my room. I willingly went with him. I couldn't fight in my state. I looked back over to Wendy and Charla. They even looked tired as they slept. I feel bad. Wendy was overworked because of me.

It was just like my dream, I wasn't strong enough.

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