Chapter 18: Being Strong

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I don't own Fairy Tail! 

Please tell me what you think!

Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukah (whichever you celebrate) and Happy New Years!


He's lying. I know he's lying. How can he get control over Lucy? She's her own person. She wouldn't let anyone take her over. Lucy is strong.

So why is he saying he has control over her? Why does she look so out of it? Am I just in denial? That can't be it, can it? Lucy fine. She's standing right in front of me. I laugh it off. "Good joke" I say sarcastically. "Now, Luce. Help me get free" I said, trying to see what was true and what was a lie. She did not even move an inch. My eyes widen. "Luce. Come on. Help me!" I say, starting to get a little panicked. He can't have control over Lucy. He just can't.

Codin laughs as he sees me trying to get Lucy to do something I say. "Do you understand now, dragon slayer? She doesn't have control over her actions. I do" he says, smirking proudly. Why is he so proud? He should be ashamed of doing this. I glared at him with nothing but hatred in my eyes. "Let. Lucy. Go" I said in a serious tone. I hope he gets how serious this is. For just touching Lucy, I'm going to kill him. I took a closer look at Lucy, I haven't checked her injuries yet, being so preoccupied with him taking Lucy's control and everything.

She had a bit of blood coming out of the corner of her mouth. She limped a bit, signs of being kicked in the shin or having her ankle broken or sprained. My eyes narrowed looking at this. It looks like her stomach is bleeding. The blood had just soaked through the shirt she was wearing a second ago. He was going to pay for doing this to her.

"Do you need anymore proof of me having control over her? I can show you..." Codin trailed off smiling happily. He leaned in, right above my face. I glared. "Lucy wouldn't let you take over! She's trying to break free! I just know it!" I shouted right in his face. He smiles. "She might be, but I'll have complete control soon. Just you watch" Codin said sinisterly. I smirk.

"So, you don't have full control yet?" I ask smartly. Ha! I just caught him! He looked genuinely surprised. "You're more observant than I thought" he said, starring at me with interested eyes. He shook his head, most likely to get rid of some thoughts. "Anyway, tell me where the dragons are" he said. I bit my lip. I had no answer. I had no idea, yet, if I didn't answer Lucy would be threatened. What was I supposed to do?

I look up at him. "I don't know." I said shortly, as fast as possible. He grew a little angry. "Stop pretending you don't know! Do you want Lucy to get hurt?" He asks me. I shake my head. "Why would you think that?" I question. "Because you won't answer!" he yelled at me. I took a deep breath to calm down. "Listen. I don't know where the dragons are. There's nothing more to it" I said, seriously. "Oh, I think there is" Codin said with a smirk.

"Lucy, come stand in front of me and don't move an inch" Codin said, smiling at me evilly. My eyes widen. No. This can't happen. I started to pull more on the chain. I have to get free. Lucy needs my help. She walls forward, and stands right in front of him.

Codin looks at me, his eyes sharp. "Now, Natsu. Calm down. I don't think that's the way you should be behaving" he said when he saw me pulling against the chain. When he saw me continuing to pull, not even looking up at him, he got mad. I heard flesh hit flesh. There was no more sound. I had froze when I heard that.

I looked up to see Lucy standing right where she was told to. Codin had his fist raised, indicating he had just hit someone. I look closely at Lucy. And then I saw it. He had hit her. Her eyes was swelling. He had punched her in her face. "Do I have your attention now?" Codin asks after a moment of silence. My head snaps to look at him.

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