Chapter 9: The Truth Comes Out

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail!


Will. Will is the one who hurt Lucy. My Lucy. Lucy is not dead. I believe that Rob lied to me. I believe that there is more to it than Rob said. I believe that my Lucy is alive. There is no other way to put it... Right?

I can't overthink this. (I know, I'm thinking, but it's about Lucy so it's all good). I need the truth. Who will tell me the truth? Of course, anyone in my guild. But I'm at a different guild, with different people. I have no one I can trust.

Is there anyway to get this information? I want to get out. I have to get out. I need to get out.

So many questions were running through my mind. I hate thinking and this guild is making me think. Another thing to hate about this guild. I heard footsteps coming toward my cell. The scent I could smell was...


I growled. He better not come close. I think I would lose it if he came too close. He knows that too. Yet, he is still coming near me. He's still taking steps toward me. What's wrong with him? is he stupid? My growling was getting louder the closer he got.

He walked right in front of my cell. It was dark, but I could see his smirk. And I was sure he could see me scowling at him. He wanted me to attack him. He wanted me to hurt him so bad, he wouldn't be able to walk. Or, that's what I thought he wanted me to do. I couldn't really tell if that's what he wanted or if that's what I wanted due to my hatred for the guy.

Will smirked toward me. "How's it going, Natsu?" He asks. I so wanted to hurt him. "What do you think?" I answered answered his question with a question of my own, glaring. Malice shows through his face. He's planning something. But what? "I think you're scared. You want to know about that blonde girl. The one that I stabbed" he said getting arrogant. I snarled at him. He's trying to die. He wants me to kill him.

"You mean she's still alive? You didn't kill her?" I asked, catching that he didn't say 'killed' instead of 'stabbed'. Oh God, I hope he says yes. "No, she's dead. You caused her death, you know." He casually said. my eyes widened. I didn't know he was stupid enough to say something like that, in front of me no less.

"When I get out, you are going to die" I said bluntly. He only smiled at my threat. "You think you can kill me?" He asked. I nodded. "I just said I would" I replied. Seriously, was he not listening. "Well, think again" he ordered me. I groaned. "But I hate thinking!"

He glared at me. "You might want to watch what you're saying" he snapped. I laughed. "Why shou-" I was cut off as he punched me in my face. Is he serious? That was his threat? To punch me? "Like one punch sou-" he cut me off again, but this time he kicked me in my stomach. Oh, he so wanted to die. I was going to kill him. First, he hurt Lucy. Now, he's attacking me.

"Shut up" he hissed at me. I growled. I didn't want to, but I had to wait it out for my friends to find me. But I have decided to continued to talk. Maybe he'll tell me the truth about Lucy if I continue. "No. I don't wanna" I said. He got even more mad. I hope nothing goes bad.

He punched and kicked me a few times. After he vented out some of his anger, which I don't even understand how he got, he stopped to look at his work. "This is just a preview of what's going to happen. We have yet to start questioning you, but it will start soon. You are going to answer correctly if you want to get out of here alive" he said sharply, like he had authority over me.

I hate this guy so much. My stomach was in pain, and I couldn't even relinquish some of the pain by bending over, because my wrists and ankles were chained to the wall. My face was bleeding. I could feel the blood drip down. Stupid Will. Just adding to my hate.

He will die by my hand. I'll burn him to a crisp.


I was thinking. Should I tell Natsu that Lucy's ok? I mean, I feel bad about this. Natsu is so in love with her. She is her mate, and I know how it feels to have a mate die on you. I am a dragon slayer after all. My mate is dead. Dragon slayers only mate once, just like dragons, and my mate died. What made it worst was that I had just found out he was my mate.


It was raining. I was walking down an alley way, trying to find my way back onto my trail. My father just left me. Well, my adopted father, but I think of him as my father. Just my father. I never kew my real father.

I slowly walk down the path. I know this town, I should be able to make it to the hotel just fine. It's dark, but that doesn't matter. I'll use my nose to find it.

I'm paying my surroundings the slightest bit of attention. Just enough to know if I'm about to trip over something.

Sudden;y, a man jumps out from the shadows. He's bald and fat. I don't even know how I didn't notice hime until now. He grinned slyly and slowly walks forward. "W-what are you d-doing?" I stuttered, suddenly afraid. What's he planning? "Hey, get away from her!" I male voice shouted as he came running up behind me. I could smell his scent. He...smelt good.

The man ran away. Good riddance. "Thanks" I say to him. "You shouldn't be out all lone" he said. "Yeah, but my father left me so I need a place to stay" I replied. "Oh, I can help you out" he said. He sowed me to his house, which was an abandoned factory. "You can live with me" he said. "Do I at least get to know your name?" I ask. He just smiles and says "Tell you in the morning."


That was the first time I met him. We stayed together after that. We supported each other. We were family. I think I've decided to tell Natsu that Lucy's ok. Maybe he won't hurt me too much if he escapes. Maybe he'll even take me with him.

I walk down to his cage. Natsu was all bruised and bloody. I gasped. "Natsu?" I asked lowly. He coughed as he began to stir. Guess I interrupted his sleep. "Come to tell me Lucy died? There's no need because Rob and Will have told me. I don't believe them though, so there's no way I'll believe you" he says as he looks down.

I smile bitterly. "Actually, I've come to tell you the truth. His head snaps up. I have his full attention now. "About Lucy?" he asks. I nod, letting that sink in. He looks in shock. "Is-is she alive?" he whispers. I expected that, but it still scared me a little.

"Yes. Lucy is not dead, Natsu!" I say in a firm voice, not leaving any room for him to find doubts. Why would I? I know the truth. "Really?" He asks. I nod.

"Lucy is alive. Lucy is strong" I say. As I said this, I saw something well up inside him. Something that my guild has been trying to destroy. It's back.

He has hope.


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