Chapter 24: The Fairies Fight

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail!


Natsu Dragneel is my enemy. No, we are not fighting for fun. He was out of control and uncontrollable. Gajeel said that we need to stop him, so I went and pulled him off of the mage he was attacking. Unfortunately, this cause Natsu to see them as the enemy.

Natsu growled at them, mad that he was stopped. It seemed as though he was having a stand off with us, which he was. The way he was now kind of scared me, but I kept my position with Gajeel and Erza. We weren't going to leave Natsu alone. He needed us to help him. We were his guild mates, friends, and family all wrapped up into one. How could we leave him?

I was at the back right of him, Gajeel at the back left, and Erza stood right in look in his eye wasn't settling in me. It kept me on edge, waiting for him to do something. He leant his head back, looking straight up into the sky. At that exact moment, rain started to pelt me with large drops, coming down heavily. Natsu continued to look up at the sky, not being fazed by the droplets that ran down his face. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Cover your ears!" Gajeel shouted, covering his own. Erza and I looked confused, but did as he said, knowing that he knew what was happening. Just as I covered my ears, Natsu let out a loud, angry, animalistic roar. It sounded like a dragon. That as the first thing that came to mind. As he roared, fire came out of his mouth, straight up into the dark sky. The fire lit up the sky, making the clouds look like an orange-red. I glanced at Erza and Gajeel to see if they knew what to do, but Erza seemed amazed and Gajeel's eyes never left Natsu.

"He's unpredicatable! Don't take your eyes off of him!" Gajeel told us right after the roar ended. That was true. It's about to begin.


I can't believe this is happening! How am I supposed to keep Natsu under control? He's out of control on a normal day, but his anger has control of him right now. He can't control his movements and he won't know what he's doing.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"Natsu had fire around his fist as he flew at me. I covered my body with iron scales and dodged it to the best of my ability. He was moving faster than he usually does, so he hit my shoulder. His strength was doubled apparently too.

"Requip!" Erza required into an armor suited for this fight. It was the armor called Flame Empress Armor.

"Ice make: Floor!" Gray used his magic to freeze the floor. Natsu just calmly stepped onto it. The heat from his body was melting it. Steam rolled off of the ice where he stepped. "You think that'll stop me, you're wrong!" Natsu sneered, his hair covering his eyes. I could almost feel a killing intent coming off of him. "Natsu! We don't want to fight!" Erza yelled, getting into a fighting stance. "Well it seems like you do." Natsu smirked evilly, watching our moves carefully.

"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" Natsu yelled the attack name as he brought his arms down with fire coming off of them. The fire acted like whips and snapped at us.

" Ice Make: Shield!" Gray used his ice shield to block the attack. The fire melted the shield but it lasted long enough for the fire to die out too.

"Iron Dragon's Club!" My arm turned into an iron club and grew longer toward Natsu. Natsu gripped the end and heated up his body heat even more, causing the iron to start to steam. I pulled the club back, shaking my hand as I did. "How are we supposed to get him under control?" Erza asked as she flew at him with a sword. She swung the sword only to have Natsu flip over it and use "Fire Dragon's Roar" at her. "Requip!" She yelled and she switched her armor with Adamantine Armor. The shield came with two parts that she pushed together. A big magic circle formed that kept the fire from hitting Erza's.

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