Chapter 16: The Reunion That Got Ruined

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail!

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Someone's scent was floating into my nose. My heart rose! I sniffed out the scent a bit more.

I know who this is!

I leaned forward, basking in the scent, waiting for this person to walk around the corner. Why hasn't she yet? My head tilted. Isn't she going to come. I heard a sigh, and then the feet went back up. Wait, what?

"Wait! I'm down here!" I yelled out, hoping for her to turn around. "Wait! LUCE! LUCY!" I yelled. I didn't want to, but I needed to get her to hear me. I probably just put her in danger, but she will let me go and I will fight for her. She will help. It's that prefect plan. I don't doubt it. I smelled the scent again. It was coming closer.

I sighed in relief. "Natsu?" I heard a sweet voice that sounded like honey whisper out loud. My grin became big. "Lucy!" I said out again. I heard her gasp. I looked up from the ground, where I had been staring, to see the blonde Celestial mage that I knew and love. My Mate.

My Lucy.


I was walking down the stairs, trying to find Natsu. At the bottom of the stairs, I looked around. It didn't seem like anything or anyone was down her. It was too dark and cold down here. I knew wherever Natsu was would be bright and warm. That's like the definition of Natsu.

I sighed and turned around. I climbed about halfway up the stairs when I heard Natsu's voice. "Wait! I'm down here!" I heard him say. That couldn't have been him. I just imagined it. "Wait! LUCE! LUCY!" He yelled. I froze. He said my name. My nickname. The name he has for me. Luce.

I turned back around. A quick little peek wouldn't hurt. I walked back down the stairs. After I started back down, I heard a sigh in relief. My hope rose. Is it Natsu? Did I really find him? "Natsu?" I whisper, hope in my voice. "Lucy!" I heard back. I smiled and ran around the corner, finally believing I had found Natsu. When I see him though, I gasp.

I looks over him. He was bleeding everywhere. His pink hair, usually so messy and lively, was matted down. Crismon blood stained it in some places. I could see bruise after bruise on his face. I was afraid to look anywhere else. His clothes were shredded by a whip it looks like. I stop my eyes before I analyze Natsu even more. It's only been 2 days and he already looks like this. The strong, brave, fire dragon slayer looked all bloody and bruised. And yet, he was still smiling at me. He still looked happy. He was so beat up, but he wasn't broken. He was still the Natsu that I knew. Some tears slipped through, even though I tried to hold them back as much as I could.

It was the Natsu...that I loved.


Oh god! This is not good. This is not good! THIS IS NOT GOOD! Master is going on a rampage because Lucy escaped. Natsu's weakness was walking through this place right now, probably searching for him. For all we know, she already found him and was helping him escape his chains. I hope we find her before that, but then again, I hope they escape too. I'm so confused and messed up right now and no one knows this.

They don't know they might have a betrayal coming toward them.

"Find her!" Master growled out. "I'm going to go check Natsu's cell" I said. Everyone nodded and split up. "Please don't be there. Please don't be there. Please don't be there" I chanted under my breath as I ran through the hideout. If she's there, what will I do? I groan. I can't think about this. I need to think about this when I find them.

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