Chapter 14: Lucy's... Gone?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail! 

Please comment. Enjoy!


I got to get to the guild. They would want to know what I had just seen. Maybe I'll get a fish after- GAH! I can't think about fish right now! I have got to stay focused. This is so important! Lucy needs me!

I flew towards to guild, hoping everyone was there. Please be there.

"Happy?" I heard someone shout. I turned and saw a shirtless ice mage. Typical. "Gray! We need to get everyone to Fairy Tail!" I say hurriedly. He looks at me confused. "Why?" He asks. "Just help me get everyone to the guild! I'll explain then! It's about Lucy!" I shout at him sincerely. He must've saw how worried I was, because he didn't argue. "Ok Happy!" I'll go find Warren. He'll get the message to everyone" Gray says. I nod sadly. "Happy. Wanna come with me?" Gray asks, seeing I didn't want to be left a lone. I nod. "Thanks Gray" I say.

He smiles. "Oh yeah! A merchant gave me a fish. Want it?" He asked, trying to calm me down. "Maybe later" I denied the fish. Gray look at me with concern, but didn't speak again.


What's wrong with happy? He never denies fish. Something serious is going on. "Happy, fly us around so we can find Warren faster" I said. Happy said "Aye sir! to me. He looked around. "What?" I asked. "Uh... how am I supposed to grab onto you if you are not wearing a shirt?" Happy asked, a little hesitant. "Oh!" I said in realization. "Lets go get one!" I said, as Happy nodded and sat on my shoulder as I ran off to get a shirt.

When I finally did get a shirt, I put it on. It was a bit big, but it'll have to do. "Ok Happy! I'm ready!" I say. "AYE!" Happy yells and grabs ahold of the back of my shirt.

Happy flew in the air pretty fast. He couldn't go full speed because we needed to find Warren. We needed to go slightly slower so I could get a good look at everyone's face. "Erza!" I yelled when I saw her. "Happy bring us down to Erza!" I said quickly so we wouldn't pass her. "Aye sir!" Happy shouted over the wind.

Happy flew down to where Erza was. I got her attention when I yelled her name, so she didn't walk away before Happy and I could get there. "What, Gray? Make it quick!" she commands, still searching for Natsu, even being stopped by me. "Happy need everyone at the guild, ASAP" I said. She looked at Happy a little concern. "Why?" she asks. Happy did not answer for a full minute. Then he sighed. "I'm sorry, but I only want to explain it once" Happy said sadly. Erza stares at him with suspicious eyes. "Very well" she says. "I'm guessing you are looking for Warren." Happy and I nod. I'm not surprised she knew that. "I saw Warren over by the bakery about 5 minutes ago. You should be able to find him over there."

We look at her gratefully. "Thanks Erza!" Happy shouts as he pulls me back up into the sky. He flashes off into max speed. I closed my eyes as the wind blasted against my face.

"Happy! Slow down!" I yell. "We need to catch up with Warren" He shouts back. I sigh and nodded, preparing for the flight I was already taking.

We flew to the bakery and saw Warren just about to turn the corner. "WARREN!" happy yelled flying toward him. Warren turned to seed us and jumped away. He stood in shock as his spirit slowly left his body from it. "We need your help" I said as we landed. Warren shook his head to clear his shock. "Sure. What'cha need?" he asked. "We need you to use your telepathy to get everyone to the guild!" Happy said. He looked at Happy confused. "Why?" he asked. "JUST DO IT!" Happy exploded. Warren flinched back. "Ok, ok" Warren said, trying to calm Happy down.

Warren puts 2 fingers to his temple and focuses his magic. Everyone! Can you hear me? Warren asked through telepathy. There were a lot of yes and loud and clear as answers. There were so many, that no one noticed that someone was missing. We need to meet at the guild! Happy has something to tell us! Everyone heard in their minds, at least I hoped. Meet you theresee you there, and ok were the answers.

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