Chapter 2: Hiding in an Obvious Spot

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Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN FAIRY TAIL!!


We landed in a building. The door to outside was right behind us. I could tell because I could smell the outside with my strong nose. It felt sort of like home to me, but I don't understand why. I wonder where we are. "You're probably wondering where you are." One of the mages said. There were only 2 girls in the group of mages. The one who talked to me was one of those 2 girls.

She had long dark black hair. Her hair was in to pigtails and her bangs were in her face. She had bright blue eyes that look like its starring into your soul. She wore an outfit that Lucy would maybe wear, but shows off even more skin than Lucy. "I can tell you what you're doing here one we get to your cell. She said. I nodded, mostly because I was wondering what was happening.

We walked through a long hallway, all of them escourted me. Guess they thought I could escape handcuffs that drain my power. Unless, they have limited time with the handcuffs working.

As soon as I thought that, I felt my powers start to come back. I didn't do anything though, since I wanted to know what they wanted from me. I'll make sure I can escape the cell before I willingly go in too. I know. You may be thinking I'm not this smart, but whenever I'm in battle or captured I tend to think over things more.

We made lots of turns, so sadly, I couldn't remember what ways to turn to get out. When we finally got to my cell, I could tell that all I had to do was melt the iron, and I would be out. Then, I would get out of the building and go to Lucy. I smirked at this.

They shoved me into the cell and the girl who had talked to me walked in. "Alright, I'm in the cell so why am I here? What are you planning?" I asked. She sighed. "Alright. My name is Rose. The guy with short brown hair and green eyes is Rob" she started.

I looked over to Rob, who in fact, had short sark brown hair and green eyes. The eyes looked weird to me though. They had this glint of...something in them. Was it... malice?

"The other girl in the group is Kate" Rose continued. I looked at the other girl names Kate. She had black hair that went down to her shoulders. Her eyes were gray and had the same glint as Rob. I really do think that it is malice.

"Cody is the guys with blonde hair and blue eyes" Rose said. They all have the same glint of malice in their eyes I saw when I looked at all of their eyes.

"Will is the guy with blonde hair and green eyes" Roase continued to say all of their names. When I looked towards Will, I could see the that he didn't quite have the glint of malice inn his eyes. He actually looked a little guilty. And then I remembered. He hurt my Lucy. Yes, my Lucy. So anyway, as you probably guessed, I growled at Will, and he cowered back from me. HA! Take that!

"The guy with dirty blonde hair and gray eyes is Tyler" Rose said. Tyler was smirking when I looked at him. He wants to fight me. I can tell by the way he is smirking and looking at me. Also, I recognize him as the mage who hold onto Lucy until they had me give up and let them put the magical hancuffs on me.

"Brandon and Luke are twins. Brandon is on the right" Rose finished with the introductions. I looked at the twins. They had red hair and green eyes. Both looked like they were the oldest of the group.

"Now that introductions are over, I can tell you what you are here for" Rose said. I nodded ready to listen. "Guys, he's locked in a cell, I can handle this" Rose said to her allies. They all nodded and left. I smiled, glad my plan is actually going through the way I wanted it to.

"Ok, so we need information on the dragons whereabout and information on Fairy Tail. We figured you would be the best bet since you are the dragon slayer that has been at Fairy Tail the longest." Rose said. I was confused. "So, you want information I either don't know or don't want to give to you?" I asked to clear things up. Ok, I actually know what they are talking about, I just want to delay things.

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