Chapter 11: The Questioning Starts

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail! 

PLEASE COMMENT! Tell me how I'm doing. I want to know if this is good or not! Sorry for the short chapter!


I was trying to lessen the sting of the chains on my wrists. I guess it doesn't help that I can't keep by body up, because I'm so tired. I want to sleep. The pain is keeping me up though. I smelt a strange scent. One I don't remember but the scent seems familiar. Just then, a shadow appears, and a silhouette turned the corner.

It's someone I haven't met yet, but how does their scent smell familiar? He had long black hair and grey eyes. He looked to be young, but older than the 8 mages who captured me. This must be their master.

He smirks down at me. "Natsu Dragneel" he says threateningly. I look up with a questioning look. "Yeah?" I ask. He just chuckles at me. This guy is irritating. "I've come to ask you some questions" he said, leaning towards me, although he was still outside the cage. I raise an eyebrow. "And you think I'll answer?" I ask. He hummed. "I think I'll find a way to make you" he retorted. I smirk. "You won't" I said confidently.

He opened the cage door and walked in. "What if I have Lucy with me? Then would you answer?" He asks. I froze. That's all he needed for the answer. "You see, if you don't answer, your beloved Luce will get involved." He explained, using my nickname for her. "You won't" I repeated my reply from before, only this time I snarled it. "You will not bring Lucy into this" I ordered. "I think you've forgotten what situation you are in" he said.

"I haven't forgotten, Lucy's just more important" I told him. He seemed surprise. "Lucy will always be more important than me!" I snapped. He smiled. "Thanks for telling me your weakness" He said. I thought about it, and yeah. Lucy is my weakness. And now he knows I would do anything of her. So he'll probably go after her. My eyes widen. "Ah. I see that you now understand" he says smiling. I glare. "Don't hurt Lucy" I growled, even more mad. He was threatening Lucy. My mate. Just for talking about her, I should kill him.

"Maybe I won't if you answer my questions" He said. I thought about it. "Ok,but you have to promise not to bring Lucy here" I replied. It was for the best. Lucy would be safe and he wouldn't hurt her. "Ok, I promise"he said. I narrowed my eyes. I think he's lying, but I can't call him out on it because he'll break the deal we had just made. "You are going to tell me where the dragons are" he ordered.

I waited in silence for about a minute. He glared at me getting frustrated. "What?" I ask. "That wasn't a question" I defended myself. He sighed. "Really? Fine, where are the dragons?" he asks. "I don't know" I answer promptly. H leaned right into my face. "You do know. Now answer the damn question before I knock some sense into you." he threatened. My eyes burned with anger from this statement. "I. Don't. Know" I said through gritted teeth. He growled. His foot pulled back before he let it go right into my rib-cage.

And the long awaited questioning of me has...

just begun...


"Are you ok, Lucy" Gray asks me. We were walking back to the guild from Clover Town. "Yeah, I think I just need to rest a bit" I said panting. My energy was still not replenished, but we needed to get back to the guild. I owe it to Natsu, since he saved me by going with the bandits. Gray had explained what happened to me after I woke up the second time. Wendy, Gray, and Erza all nodded and sat down on the ground.

"How are we going to save Natsu?" Wendy asks. We all thought about it. How would we save Natsu? We don't know where he is or if he's even still there. For all we know, Natsu could have escaped while I was being healed. "We'll get Levy to find out where Natsu is, go to that location, and beat the shit out of the people who took him" Erza said quickly coming up with a plan.

"We may need to think of another plan, but let's keep that one in mind for plan B" i said, trying not to hurt Erza feelings... or get her angry... "I agree with Lucy" Gray adds in his opinion. "Well, what should we do?" Erza asks.

"Umm, I think the first part of Erza's plan is good. The part about going to the guild" Charla explained what she thinks. "Aye!" Happy shouts, ever the one to agree with Charla.

"Yeah, Levy can track Natsu down. Gajeel might be able to smell his scent too" Wendy realized. I saw that she was right. We still had help to get. "Well, we should get going." Gray announced, trying to get everything moving again. He's right, we had to keep going, so we could hurry up and save Natsu.

I was going to save Natsu.


"Where are the dragons?" he asked again. It was like the tenth time. Actually, I lost track, because every time I answered him wrong, I would get hit somehow. He has kicked, punched, slapped, anything you could think of. He hasn't taken a sword or anything out because he doesn't want to kill me. I know that much.

"I don't know" I spit out. My lip was swollen. He growled. "I don't like you're answers" he snarled as he punched me in the face. Oh god, I need him to stop. I was losing consciousness.

"He turned away. His cloak swished at the speed of his turn. "Think about this. Next time, if I don't like your answers, Lucy will join us here" he said right before I closed my eyes into inky blackness.

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