Chapter 5: The Dream

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My world was dark. All around. Just dark. I know I was just in a fight. I know I was hit in the head. What I don't know, is where I am. I guess this is just in my head. Just a dream. At least I hope, because I can smell blood. A very familiar scent was coated in this blood. A scent I would not want to smell in a situation like this.

It was Lucy's. How did she get hurt? What's happening? My heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest. I had to get to Lucy. I just had to.

I started running foward. I can't see anything but blackness. The scent is coming from everywhere. I had toguess where to go. I figured I would at least find a clue, maybe even Lucy!

My eyes were scanning ahead of me. Looking for something. Someone. Anything besides darkness, but nothing. This is some horrible dream. I closed my eyes, trying to get myself to focus, but it was no use. I was panicking. I was panicking so much, I could barely hear my own thoughts. Which were all about Lucy and where she was. Then I heard a loud, high-pitch scream. I knew the voice too well.

"LUCY!" I screamed. I have to find Lucy. Where was Lucy? Was Lucy ok? All of my thoughts were getting jumbled. Something warm splashed against my sandaled feet. It was seeping in between my toes. I know what it is, but I still hoped it wasn't what I thought it was. I lost all my hope when I looked down. I saw a puddle of blood. It was huge. It was crimson red. I don't want to describe it anymore because I looked away, but it was imprinted in my memory.

I looked around some more. I could now slightly see the world around me. Everything was covered in shadows. It was falling apart. My world. It was falling apart. I looked up into the sky and froze. A name was at my lips. The person who was up there was blonde. She had brown eyes that looked upon me lifelessly. A name was formed on her lips, but she didn't have time to call out. She had been stabbed. In her stomach. Why does this look familiar. Oh, that's right! I SAW HER LIKE THIS THIS MORNING!

Now, I'm freaking out. I still didn't know if Lucy was alive! "LUCY!" I called out. Tears were brimming at my eyes. Lucy had been hanging from a tree. Ropes held her up. I burnt the ropes off slowly. Lucy was going to fall as soon as I got them off, so I had to be ready. No more harm will come to Lucy.

The ropes snapped from the weight as I had burnt it to little threads. I caught Lucy in a bridal style. Blood was still coming out of her. "Lucy" I said softly. "You have to wake up." She didn't even stir. "Lucy. Wake up!" I said louder. Why won't she wake up? Unless she's di-

No. NO. NONONONONO. I pressed my shaking hand to her neck to find her pulse. My whole body started shaking. Light started pouring onto us from the sky. Shouldn't it be raining? When something sad happens, it rains. So why isn't it raining now. Ironic, isn't it?

If you didn't guess, I found no pulse. Nothing. It wasn't possible. I haven't lost Lucy. She's just sleeping. There's no way that she id dead. It's not real, because the sun was out. Ok, now I was just looking for excuses. I can't accept that she is dead. I just can't. I'll kill whoever did this to Lucy. Whoever hurt Lucy.

That was my decision. Maybe, this is a dream, telling me to protect Lucy from her future. I really hope it was.


I was in light. All I could see was light. It was like I was looking right into the sun, with no peripheral vision around the sun. Just the light of the sun. Why is it like this? Am I dreaming? My stomach felt like there was a hole, but nothing was there. Was this a dream? I think I remember getting stab, so it had to be a dream. I looked around. The sun was really bright, so all I could see were outlines of objects. I saw something move.

The outline looked like a man. A big man. The man advanced on me, who was completely defenseless. The man pulled out a sword. I gasped. "W-what are you doing?" I asked. The man just smirked not answering. That's when the sword plunged into my stomach. Maybe this wasn't a dream. Maybe, my stomach had just been warning me.

I screamed out loud. It was a high pitched scream. I couldn't comprehend what happened next. The man had pulled out rope, and started tying the ends of it around my wrists. The rope was tied tight. It was to make sure I didn't fall. When e had finished tying it around my wrists. He looked around. is eyes landed on a tree. His smirk grew into an evil grin as he started to drag me over there.

I coughed up blood. He threw the end of the rope onto a high branch, and started to pull. The rope twisted on my wrists, but it didn't even compare to the feeling in my stomach. He pulled me up high enough so that I could touch the branch with my wrists. My feet dangled just above 7 feet high. No one would be able to touch me.

I coughed up some more blood. I wasn't going to make it through. Maybe if I call Natsu, he would come. "Na-Nat-su" I managed to whisper. "Natsu" I said a little louder. This made the man laugh lowly. "Your boyfriend won't come. He doesn't love you enough" he said. I was crying in agony. This isn't true. I know that. And yet I couldn't yell for help. I couldn't call Natsu. I couldn't respond to the man.

The man watched as I slowly took my breaths. He could probably see the ice draining out of me. It was sick. He was watching me die. He did this to me. My eyes felt heavy. No, had to stay awake. For my friends. For my family. For the guild. For Natsu. The man snickered. "Goodbye Lucy Heartifilia. You are...dead" Right after he had died, my eyes glazed over. I took on final breath. And then all went still. I'm sorry Natsu. "I couldn't hang on. I couldn't call for you. I wasn't strong enough. 

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