Chapter 20: The Start of a Counterattack

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I glared at Codin. My magic power is back. I can finally get these chains off. I can finally beat the ever living shit out of Codin and his followers. I can finally save Lucy. I focus my powers to my fist and pulled with all my might. Codin back away from me. I smirked at him just as the chains snapped and I was free. I could now walk across the cell. The cell I had just spent days on end getting tortured. The cell Lucy was tortured in.

I have to destroy it. I can't leave this cell without destroying it. It holds too many bad memories. I went back to glaring at Codin. I needed to deal with Codin and get Lucy out of the cell before I destroyed it. The only way to get Lucy out is to beat Codin. My eyes zoned in on him.

I'm so going to kill him.


Shit! Damn it! Fuck! I was cursing in my mind. This was not going as I planned. I know I can beat both of them when I'm at full power, but to get my full power, I need to know where the dragons are. I need to get the power from the dragons. I can't fight Natsu right now. It would show him too much. He would know my plan. My full plan.

I stared at Natsu, trying to come up with a plan to recapture him.

I will recapture him.

Natsu Dragneel is essential to my plan.


Codin was thinking things through. He's planning something. But what? What is he going to do? My body was shaking with anger. I needed to leave this cell with Lucy. I needed to be with her alone.

I did the one thing on my mind. I roared. It was so loud that Codin and Lucy covered their ears, since they were in the same room as me. The building shook even more violently than the first time. I heard screaming outside and people asking what that was. I didn't care though. I needed to beat the shit out of Codin. I needed to save Lucy. The two things that were on my mind.

I growled as I slowly stepped toward Codin. He's the reason this is all happening. He's the reason I'm here. He's the reason my Lucy almost died. As I advanced on him, he kept his eyes on me. He never once looked away. "You..." I said seriously. "You caused this" I said as my fangs showed in my mouth. Lucy almost died. "You hurt my nakama." Had to make sure I didn't say mate there. Lucy would interrupt if I did. "For that, I will kill you" I said, not once raising my voice, but I kept it serious the whole statement. "Natsu..." I heard Lucy whisper. I didn't look over at her. Just hold on Lucy, I'll get you out of this.

And then I started my attack.


"You..." Natsu started. "You caused this." Natsu sounded mad. No, beyond mad. Maybe even beyond furious. He took step after step. "You hurt my nakama" Natsu said. I saw his fangs in my mouth. Is it just me, or did they grow bigger? "For that, I will kill you" Natsu said. And he was serious. If the tone of his voice didn't give it away, it's his eyes that gave it away.

He never once looked away from Codin. His eyes didn't shine with their usual brightness. They looked cold. Dead, even. But the thing that gave it most away for me, was the way I was shaking from the look in his eyes. It was like they promised murder. No.

They did promise murder.

"Natsu..." I trailed off. He didn't even look my way. Maybe... maybe he didn't hear me. Maybe he's so mad, he's not paying attention to anyone but Codin. That's not possible though, right? Natsu cares about his nakama so much, he wouldn't ignore them, right?

Natsu crouched down, with his eyes still on Codin. He was about to attack. I know that stance. Natsu took a deep breath and brought his fists to his mouth.

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