Chapter 3: Freedom is so Close

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.


They took Natsu away. Where did they take him? Will he live long enough so we could find him and save him? Will he escape by himself? I wish I knew the answers. I always fight with him but that doesn't mean I want him to die.

Right now, I was carrying Lucy to a doctor as fast as I could. She was losing blood fast. Each drop could be her last. If I let Lucy die, Natsu will surely kill me. So first, I have to find help for Lucy, and then go find Natsu.

Erza was running next to me, semmingly lost in thought. "Erza, can you go ahead and tell the doctor we're coming?" I asked her. Lucy needed help fast, we couldn't waste time. She nodded and sped ahead of me.


"Erza, can you go ahead and tell the doctor we're coming?" Gray asked me. I nodded, for once listening knowing we didn't have much time. Lucy was going to die if we wasted a minute to stop and explain, so I shall go ahead to do this. I ran as fast as I couold to the doctors.

I switched armors to my Fligh Armor. This armor will make me go faster. I ran through the woods and through the town. People kept getting in my way and watching me. "MOVE" I finally snapped. It scared people away. Now I have free space to run to the doctor. "A guy wil come with a girl who was stabbed. Stay out of their way" I warned everyone before continuing running to the doctors.

"Please be there. Please be there. Please be there" I said through my heavy breathes from running. The doctors should be near here, I just know.

I turn the corner to see the doctors. YES! We will make sure Lucy doesn't die. She won't. I run up to the door pushing on it as I go. Thankfully, it opens and I go in.

The room looks like a cozy living room in a nice little house. There was a couch and 2 chairs. I guess they don't get much patients.

"May I help you?" Is what brought me out of my thoughts. I turn to the only other person in the room who was sitting behind a desk. "Yes. My friend was hurt, so she is being carried here. I expect the doctor to treat her" I say authoritatively. "I see" she said with her lips pursed. I didn't like her but I had to do this for Lucy. "Yes. She was stabbed in the stomach. Can you please help her?" I explained and asked. She thought it through but thought better than rejecting me. She nodded and directed me to a room. "Wait in there for your friend and the doctor." She instructed me before going back to her desk to wait for Lucy and Gray.

I walked into the room and the firstthing I notice is that the room is all white. Gross. I absolutely hate this. Everything smells clean. Too clean. Like they just cleaned it to get rid of the stench of...blood, I think I smell a faint scent of blood mixed in with the cleaners. I feel to cramped in here, and it's just me. Gray, Lucy, and the doctor aren't in here. The bed sits in the middle of the room and takes up a lot of room , with a little bit of room along the sides and end.

Now,I get to play the waiting game.


Rose was standing in my way to Lucy. So was Brandon and Luke. I have to fight my way through this. "Why don't we play fair and fight one-on-one?" One of the twins asked. I think it was Brandon, who looked more mature than his brother. I was a little disappointed. "I fought 4 of you before I was captured, I think I can fight 3 of you now." I said with confidence. I had on my smirk and I was facing them. The wind blowed gently through the air as we stood at stand still waiting for someone to make the first move.

The twins smirked. "Ok then. Don't say I didn't warn you" Brandon (I think) said. That's when they leaped into action. Luke got to me first. He doesn't show me his magic but chooses to try to punch me in my face. Of course, I caught his fist. There's no way I would be hit by that attack. I try to light my fist on fire. It didn't work.

Luke must have caught onto my confusion and smirked. "I guess I should explain why it didn't work" he said. "I have nullifying magic. It's common, but effective." Luke was looking like he thought he had already won. I can't believe he thought I would give up just like that. I "tched" him. Luke looked over at me. "Too bad for you but I have already won against a person with the same magic." I explained to him. His eyes widened. "How?" he yelled in surprise. I smirk. "I'll have to show you" I said getting into my fighting stance.

Unfortunately (for them), that's when Rose and Brandon decided to join the fight. That doesn't make a difference to me. I'll be beating all of them either way. "We can't let you leave" Rose said, calling the power to her body. My mouth turned into a frown when I felt all the magical power coming from the three of them. I only know Luke's magic, which is bad for me since I'm fighting two other mages.

Rose smirked when she noticed my worry. "You really shouldn't have tried to escape, because now we have to punish you. I didn't want to have to do this" she said, but her smirk said otherwise. I looked around my surroundings. I think if I fight, I would attract a lot of attention, and also my guild mates. Erza, Gray, and Lucy may be occupied, but there are tons of other strong mages in Fairy Tail. We all stick together, and that's what makes us strong.

I looked back towards my enemies, weighing the options. I can either fight to attract m guild mates, run away at top speed (no way am I though), or give up (again, no way). I think I'm going with the first options.

I growled lowly as I got into my fighting stance, once again. I needed to win. I needed to go back to the guild, to my family, to Lucy. Once this is all over, I will make it up to her. She was stabbed from this. I think I'll beat the crap out of this whole group for that. They definitely planned that. No doubting it.

My heart ached to see Lucy again. To see her beautiful smile and golden hair. This is the first time I didn't fight it. The first time I let my love for Lucy make me stronger. I needed to do this if I was going to win. There was no way else to win this. I take a deep breath. That's when I started my attack.

I first leapt at Rose. I needed to find out hers' and Brandon's power, before I defeat them.

Fire Dragon's Claw

My feet caught on fire when I activated my spell. My foot sped toward Brandon, while I watched him closely for when he showed his magic.

Earth Dragon's Hard Fist

She screamed while rushing her fist toward me. There's another Dragon Slayer. I know about 7 of them right now, Rose being the 8. I swiftly dodged Rose's attack as she did mine. I have a feeling this is not going to go as planned.

I continued to dodge some of Rose's attacks. She had the same attacks I had, so neither of us were effecting each other very much. I still needed to figure out Brandon's power too. I looked over to see him watching Rose and I. I guess he would jump in the fight when needed to. Well, he's going to need to. I have to figure out how to defeat Luke's power too. UGH, TOO MUCH THINKING.

And I'm still worried about Lucy. Is she ok? Are Gray and Erza bringing her to Wendy or a doctor? I trust Wendy more. Is she even still ali-

NO. I can't think like that. Lucy is alive. Lucy will be ok. Lucy won't die. If I kept this mantra up, Lucy will be better by the time I get back, which will be soon. Real soon. For some reason, I have a really bad feeling that something bad will happen to Lucy if we get too involved with this guild. I wish we didn't have to, but the guild is threatening me and others from the guild. We have to fight and protect our guild.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I have to keep calm to win this fight. I jumped into the air towards Brandon. He's going to show me his power now, whether he likes it or not.

Ice Make: Tiger

Brandon had finally used his magic. It's the same as Gray's and Lyon's, which is good because I know how to fight them. So I only need to figure out how to defeat Rose while I fight Brandon and Luke. I need to figure this out, so I can get to Lucy. I can taste it now. Freedom.

Freedom is so close. 

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