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The mighty beast crashes through the roof of Gringotts Bank. The sunlight shines upon the dragon as it embraces the world around it. Hermione is quick with a spell to shoot the pale dragon air born. Wind catches beneath it's wings and we are lifted higher into the sky. 

We soar across the lands before reaching a lake.

"We have to jump!" Screams Hermione over the wind. 

"You're crazy!" Ron shouts back. I shake my head and go for it.

The wind cuts past my body as I free fall into the water. It hits me with it's ice cold fangs digging into my skin. Visions blast into my mind. Voldemort stading around a circle of bodies. Gringotts workers all dead. I snap out of the vision and go up to the water surface, gasping for air.

He knows.

They know.

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now