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I'm getting so close to the end and I can't wait! Thank you to anyone who has made it this far into this story! 


I could hear them. The shouts. The screams. The pain that came with the demon eyes. We are hunters, sworn to the goddess Artemis herself. Yet in those moments we were nothing but tired little girls. This angered me. How dare they do this to us. Capture us like animals then keep us in the dark, unable to see our hands even if they were only inches away from our faces.

"Thalia," croaked one of the hunters, barely regaining consciousness. From her voice I can recognise that it is Sophia talking, a daughter of Demeter.

"I'm here," I tell her, she is new to our group, joining only weeks ago. Only weeks ago she did not know of the true world she lives in. Now she's stuck inside a lightness room with a group of people she has only just met, unsure of whether she would survive this. "Don't worry," I decided to reassure her.

I have no idea who else survived the ambush. I know some did not make it, I remember their bodies. I remember their screams when those horrifying creatures came. Our weapons did nothing against them. They were cloaked in darkness, they sucked away what hope I had left. I am glad that I was knocked unconscious before they could reach me. I saw them suck away the soul from the people I've grown to see as family. I saw the agony and pain in their face disappear into apathy. I saw how they lacked emotions when the monsters came. I saw how they did nothing to stop as they were mercilessly hacked to pieces. I am glad to have been knocked unconscious.

But who else survived?

"Um, if I say your name please respond to me." I need to know who didn't make it out of that bloodbath. I sighed and began to run through the list of names that had printed itself within my brain. I inhaled a quick breath the first time my call went unanswered. Eventually I reached the end and didn't realise the tears that were pouring from my eyes. Our group of 36 hunters has now been reduced to a mere twelve. How coincidental.

Those fallen hunters bodies still lay in that forest. The more I thought of their mangled limps, their cold eyes, the more I wanted to break down on the floor and cry myself to sleep. But I won't do that. I can't when I still have eleven hunters to look after. This year just keeps getting worse.

A deep cough echoed through the room. I try to see who it was, but my eyes still weren't adjusted to the pitch black. It was too deep to be one of my comrades. Too deep to be young girl. Someone else was in here.

"Who's there?" I asked into the room awaiting a reply.

"Just another victim of another's crime," a familiar voice called. One of an older man.

"What's your name," I demanded. I am not playing one of those who am I games. Not when I am this weak and vulnerable.

"Do you not recognise my voice?" He taunted me.

"What's your name," I repeated, slightly agitated.

"Well, you may know me as Professor Snape." What? I am immediately on guard. My body tensed and I struggled to see. He helped them. He is the enemy.

"Stay away from us, leave," I told him.

"I guess they tricked you as well then?" He asked. Tricked us?

"What do you mean?" I question.

"You probably think I'm merciless, cruel and untrustworthy-"

"That's because you are," I interrupted him.

"But," he continued, ignoring my outburst, "that's what their plan was. It overall is quite clever. Very few holes in which it can tear and break apart from."

"What are you going on about? You are the traitor. You are not the victim."

"It was his plan. Voldemort's plan." I took note that for once he called him Voldemort and not the Dark Lord.

"What plan?" I'm intrigued, his words are making no sense.

"I was lured in by his forces, wishing to speak to me. I had to be on their side, Dumbledore wished it so. Our plan could not fail, he saw me as one of the few hopes he had left of keeping the boy alive. So, I agreed to come. Voldemort refused to tell me the extent of the plan, he said that only once it is in action he would tell me, that right now he only needed me to accept. He has her eyes, I could not let her down, so I said yes. Moments later I was thrown into the cell, tied up to a chair and two people I've never seen before walked in. A man, taller than I've ever seen and a woman who called herself Pasiphae. She studied me, my face, my body. Then moments later the man beside her began to shift. At first, I thought I was looking at a mirror, but then I realised that she had transformed the man into myself."

"Mist, she was using mist," I thought, his story confusing my mind of where the point of it is. Who is the female he was reefing to at first? Do I try to kill him or not?

"That is what she called it. The two walked out of the room and left me there. I had no idea what was going on until Bellatrix walked in with that smile on her face and gladly recounted everything to me. You see, they found out I was a double agent, instead of killing me they decided that they would use my position at the school. Unfortunately to them if I die, the mist would be easier to see through, it would be harder to trick the individuals that I wasn't really there."

"The man that walked into the room and stole your identity, did you catch his name?" I don't believe a word he said, but I got curious.

"Something starting with P. Pro something," he told me.

"Prometheus?" I asked in wonder.

"That's the one." If what he is saying is true, that may be why we haven't found him yet.

"If you would let me continue, I may answer some of your questions, so you don't need to ask them," he told me grumpily. "Bellatrix told me that Prometheus just had to take over the school, to make sure that Voldemort can have enough time to prepare for the transition and get used to the body. Kronos was going to take over him. The horcruxes are the reason why Voldemort's body could withstand the titan's possession. Bellatrix then left me and the rest of the plan I only gathered from listening in on the conversations outside this room. When you guys showed up and won the battle you kind of messed up his plan a bit, so then he made a new one. A flawless one. The first step of this plan was to get rid of Percy Jackson, to break him."

That worked well, I thought. He is unreachable, but still every day I pray to the gods that he will come through. He will return.

Snape continued to explain the mess that I have been wrapped into. "When Artemis showed up, he knew that he could not let your group disturb him, so he killed and captured you, planning the diversion. The next step is in action as we speak. You do not need to worry about yourself or your hunters Thalia, but of the lives of your friends. Soon, they will have no one to protect them and Hogwarts will fall."

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now