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I could not believe my eyes.

Percy Jackson, the most loyal person I know just sentenced us to death. He didn't even look back. That's when I knew, the friend I knew and loved was broken beyond repair.

"He - he just..." I whispered, still not believing it.

"Give him time, child," Chiron said trying to sound hopeful, but he saw the look in his eyes. We all did, the cold, fractured look.

"What's happening?" Leo asked, walking up to us.

"The camp just lost our greatest hero," I spoke truthfully. Leo shook his head, not understanding.

"But he would never leave us," he said confused.

"Tell that to Percy when he returns," I told Leo, a tear shredding from my eye.

"I'll IM Reyna, she'll need to know about this, " Chiron said before walking away, not able to see the hero fade into darkness.

"Leo promise me something," I whispered.

"What?" He asked.

"To never leave us," my voice came out cracked.

"I wouldn't dream of it," he replied.


"Dude, you've got to stop disappearing," Jacob told me.

"Sorry, got stuff on my mind," I replied.

"It's alright," he patted my back, "come on, the others missed you." I nodded and walked over to the table that my school friends were sitting at.

"Percy!" A voice squeals, and I'm bombarded with hugs.

"Miss me?" I asked.

"Yes!" Macy screamed straight away. The others nodded. Once upon I time I was bullied, but then as girls would say, "I got hot," and since then I've made friends with the popular people at Goode. This group included Macy, a blonde crazy thing, Charlie a brunette that to be honest is a bit slutty, Jacob the schools joker, Ryder the school player and me once the modest cute kid but now...I don't know.

Ryder rolled his eyes and went off to talk to some girl.

"So, how's life?" Macy asked.

"Good," I lied. They would never believe the truth.

I'm better off lying to everyone and creating a fake personality.


An alarm sounded as we aparated into Hogsmeade.

"Hide," Harry whispered to us. We don't reply, but run towards a place full of tables and chairs. I duck under a table and pray they do not find us.

"I saw them come this way," a male voice spoke.

"Check under the tables," another replied. Panicking I crawl out and creep out. Getting the point Harry and Ron followed me. We dash down an alley way and met face to face with a dead end.

I could hear footsteps behind me. Their going to catch us, I thought worriedly.

"Over here," a voice whispered next to us. It had a strange familiarity to it. I turned my head to see an old man standing at a doorway. Seeing no other option I ran through the doorway, followed by Harry and Ron.

Once inside I looked around the room and noticed something.

"It's dangerous of you to come here, you should of stayed away," he spoke and I realised why it sounded familiar.

"You're Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother," I sated, he nodded confirming my thoughts. Harry walked over to a bench and saw a mirror with a crack in it.

"You have no right to have this, it was-"

"Sirus's," he finished for Harry, "I know, but without it where would you be?"

"You were the one who sent Dobby?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes, do you know where he is?" He questioned.

"He died," Harry muttered.

"Shame, I liked that elf," Aberforth shook his head. A moment of silence took place.

"Now tell me what are you doing here?" Aberforth asked.

"Dumbledore sent us to do a job," Harry said.

"Nice job? Easy?" Aberforth questioned.

"We've been hunting Horcruxes," Harry said confidently.

"It's not a job my brother has sent you on, it's a suicide mission!" He exclaimed, "you should just go home, and live your life away from this."

"Have you no faith, what of the Order," I asked.

"The Order is finished, Voldemort has won," he said flatly.

"That's not true, we can still beat him if we destroy all the Horcruxes, Dumbledore said-" Harry's voice was cut off.

"What makes you believe anything my brother said! Did he ever tell you about me! About her!" He shouted, pointing at a girl in a painting.

"I trusted the man I knew," Harry replied.

"Then you are a fool," Aberforth mumbled. I stared at the girl, trying to put a name to the face.

After a few moments of silence

"That's Arianna, your sister," I worked out. I looked at him for a reaction and be nodded sadly.

Aberforth walked over and talked to her, and she turned to leave.

"Where's she going?" Ron asked.

Aberforth didn't say anything.

A few moment later she returned with someone. The portrait flew open to reveal a passage.

"Harry, Ron and Hermione, this is a surprise," Nevielle said with a smile on his bruised face.

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