Cursed Flame

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"Can you sense it?" Harry asked me. I closed my eyes and searched for the precious metal, hidden within the room. Unfortunately, there were too many of them. Too many other pieces of jewellery, gems and coins.

I shook my head, "It's too hard to pin it down to the one thing." I stared out into the vast towers of what one would think was rubbish, but hidden inside was so many valuable metals, one could easily become rich.

The room of requirement acted as a place to throw away broken objects, but also a place to hide away the things you don't want any else to find, such a cursed Diadem that's intertwined with a person's soul. "Can you hear anything?" Knowing of his past of hearing the Horcruxes, for reasons that are unknown.

"...I think so," he replied. He started to walk forward, between two piles of thrown away items. I followed closely behind, still searching for the diadem.

"It's somewhere around here, I can hear it. It's...calling to me," Harry said trying to explain it.

I do one last search and felt it, it's dark magic, it's value. Pulling against trying to escape my reach as I feel a tug within me and pulled it from its resting place. It was constantly fighting me as if it were a game of tug-a-war, a game that I would finish victorious. Soon enough in my palm a tiara like object was there, cold against my skin.

Harry was staring at me in amazement, "that would have been useful a couple of weeks ago."

I chucked at his comment, "Come on, we need to meet back with Hermione, Ron and Frank and figure out how we're going to destroy this thing."

Harry nodded and as if waiting for their moment to preform, Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle emerged from the shadows. Their wands pointed directly towards the two of us.

"That's my wand you're holding, Potter," Malfoy sneered.

"Not anymore," tightening his grip on the haw=thorn wand. "Winners, keepers, Malfoy. Whose wand is that?"

"My mothers," Draco replied.

I let lose a small chuckle, despite the situation we were in, you still have to look for the smallest bit of humour in things. I learnt that on the Argo 2, without humour, comedy, you tend to lose a sense of yourself when your enduring rough times.

"So why aren't you three with Voldermort?" asked Harry.

"We're gonna be rewarded," said Crabbe, his voice soft. I've never spoken to him before and was surprised that for such a large individual, his voice sounded timid. "We stayed back, decided not to go. Decided to be the ones to bring you to him."

"Good plan," I spoke mockingly, no way in Tartarus are they taking Harry.

"So, how did you get in here?" Harry asked the two of them, trying to waste time as he figured out a plan to escape the scenario.

"I virtually lived in the Room of Hidden Things all last year," Malfoy replied, "I know how to get in."

"We was hiding in the corridor outside," grunted Goyle, "we did a Diss-lusion charm and then you two showed up in front of us, saying you was looking for a die-dum...whatever that is."

"Harry!" A familiar voiced called from somewhere in the room. It was unmistakably male.

Without hesitation, Crabbe pointed his wand at the mountain of old furniture, old books and robes, moving in a whip-like movement he shouted, "Descendo!"

The pile closest to us began to totter, then crumble. Harry was quick with a deflection spell and the furniture bounced off us harmlessly.

"Curcio!" Crabbe yelled; his wand pointed at Harry. On instinct I tackled Harry down to the floor and the curse hit a pile of books behind us. My hand still clung onto the Diadem.

"Stop! The Dark Lord wants him alive!" Malfoy shouted at his friend, his voice echoing. During this debate between the two I managed to stand up along with Harry.

"So, I'm not killing him am I? Though if I get the opportunity I will, the dark lord wants him dead, what difference does it make if I-"

Out of nowhere a jet of scarlet light shot past Harry, inches away from him and almost hit Crabbe in the head, but Malfoy pulled him out of the fire range. My hair hit my back as I whipped my head to see Hermione and Ron standing there.

"It's the mudblood! Avada Kedavra!" Crabbe shouted.

Hermione dived to the side and avoided the attack. Harry shot a stunning spell at Crabbe in return who lurched out of the way, straight into Malfoy, knocking Malfoy's mother's wand out of his hands. I watched it roll until it was hidden underneath some boxes, out of sight.

"Don't kill him!" Malfoy warned his comrades as they were both firing all sorts of spells at Harry who had now covered himself behind a table. That moment of hesitation was all Harry needed.

"Expelliarmus!" Goyle's wand flew from his hand and disappeared into the bulwark of objects behind him. Malfoy narrowly missed one of Hermione's stunning spells and Ron shot a curse at Crabbe which he missed, angering Crabbe even more.

"Avada Kedavra," He shouted, firing back at Ron who leapt out of my eyesight. I closed my eyes, wishing I had brought my wand. If I manipulated the mist, it would change everyone's sight not just the three boys shouting us which isn't what I want, and right now I can't get close enough to use my sword.

After a few more spells being fired the three ended up being split up, Harry was still here with me and Malfoy, but Hermione was now with Goyle not too far away, though he had no wand so I expect her to be coming back soon, and Crabbe was facing Ron in another aisle. .

There was furniture flying all over the place. "HARRY!" Hermione screamed out as Ron came racing around the corner.

A roaring, billowing noise came from behind him, Ron was running fast away from where he came from, Crabbe hard on his tail.

"You like it hot, Scum!" roared Crabbe. That's when I noticed it, the massive flames pursuing the two as they ran, Crabbe having no control over what he had done.

"RUN!" Malfoy shouted, grabbing Goyle who was now unconscious due to Hermione who had previously hit him with a spell, and dragged him along with Crabbe.

"What are we going to do!" Hermione screamed over the sound of the cursed flame, that chased them as if it were alive.

"Here!" I shouted back, sighting three broomsticks in the nearest pile of junk. I hoped they still worked. We each grabbed one, I went on the back of Hermione's and we kicked off the ground hard. We soared into the air, missing the flame by only a few feet.

'Let's get out of here!" Ron bellowed. That's when we heard it, the thin piteous scream from amidst the fire. Harry tilted his body to turn his broom around, Hermione and I followed him and saw them. Malfoy with his arms around Goyle, trying to climb up one of the piles. Crabbe was nowhere to be scene.

"IF WE DIE FOR THEM I"M GOING TO KILL YOU, HARRY!" Ron shouted as Harry dived to reach Malfoy's hand, but both his and Goyle's weight was too much and he slid from Harry's fingers.

Then Ron went and grabbed Goyle from Malfoy so that Harry could go back and get Malfoy. I spotted the door moments before we flew through, each of us immediately tumbling off the brooms and onto the stone floor. I looked down at my hand just to check, and gladly the Diadem was still there.

"Here," I said, and passed it over to Harry. At the same moment Hermione passed something to him that looked like a bone. He stabbed the Diadem with it and Ron kicked it into the flames as the doors slammed shut.

That's when we heard it. The voice that crawled through our skins and into our souls, "Give me Harry Potter." It was undoubtably Voldemort, but he didn't sound like himself. "And none shall be harmed. Give me Harry potter and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry potter and you will be rewarded. You have until midnight."

I glanced at Harry. It has begun. 

This was a long one, hope it isn't horrible. There is no doubt a tone of spelling and grammar mistakes, so sorry for that.

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