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Smile. Laugh. Joke. Pretend. Pretend that is all fine. That it's alright.

I lead the witches and wizarding wizards into the big house. Bella trailing at my heals. Her tail is wagging continously. She is happy to see new people. Butdeep inside I know she's wondering where her master was. If she just abandoned her.

I reach fown and glide my hand through her soft golden hair. The same colour as Wise Girl's once was. Was, past tense. She's in the past now.

The door creaks as I open it. I take the newly arrived guests to the pool table where all of our meetings are held. We see Chiron siting in his wheelchair and Dionysus standing. Both of which have probably been informed of the guest's arrival and have already called a council meeting.

I was right, a few minutes later the other cabin leaders arrive. I avert my gaze from Malcom, it hurts to much to look at him, standing where she would once be.

"So, it seems like the wizarding world needs our help once again. I'll let them say the rest." Chiron starts the meeting.

"Voldemort has taken over Hogwarts. Snape was a treator and now he is the headmaster. Death Earters roam the school, giving punishments of unforgivable curses to anyone that defies them. Students are forced to practise magic on other younger years. Dark, that is the word that describes Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall sent us here through the portal. Luckily the Death Eaters haven't found out about it." Ginny says.

"That is why the portal leads outside our borders." Chiron says. Smart.

"So you want us to get Hogwarts back?" Piper asks.

"No." Neville replies.

"Than what?" Leo replies.

"We have reason to believe that Hogwarts is going to be attacked." Says Ginny.

"If Voldemort pretty much owns tha castle, why would he attack?" Malcom questions. I look at the ground, not ever eill i stare into his eyes. Grey eyes.

"About that. McGonagall has had enough. We think that she is planning to take back hogwarts and Voldemort isn't happy about that. Also Harry, Ron amd Hermione have gone off to do something. We don't know what though, but we do know is making him angry." Ginny answers for him. Horcruxes, I think.

"So you want us to prepare for war? Cause that I can do." Clarisse comments.

"Yes, and the other camp." Luna says in her dreamy voive.

"Is that all?" Dionysus says, his voice bored.

"For now." Nevielle conludes, "we'll send a messenger everybweek or so to update what is going on." I nod my head.

"Percy are you, are you going to..." Leo stumbles.

I nod my head. "The fate of every wizard and witch is at stake. I will not let them down." I reply. Not if she died defending them. If they go down than her death was nothing more than a apway to by time. And I can not condem myself to let that happen. Not in a million years.

---line break----

The goodbyes are short, quick. The others are out of the camp as quickly as they came. I turn to the campers. All loojing at me for guidance.

"I want you all to be training double the amount. Only stopping to eat and drink or go to the bathroom. Train in your strengths. Ares, I want you on that arena every second. Aphrodite, go around camp and practise your charmspeak and if you have spare time train with Ares. All the other cabins do the same thing, but for your strengths and abilities." I announce. The campers all nod and leave to train. I'm left standing on the hill. Bella at my feet, Leo and Calypso on one side and Piper the other.

"Ready for your fourth war?" Leo asks me. I chuckle.

"You have no idea." And he doesn't. Those poeple killed her, and now It's time to get my revenge. "Piper, call the Hunters and Amazons. They'd listen to you better than us. Leo and Calypso get in contact with Camp Jupiter. We have a battle to plan for." They all smile before heading down the hill. I gaze upon Camp Half-Blood. I'm home.

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now