Fatal Flaw

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I should have seen the warning signs. I should have noticed before it was too late. Now we're falling down a dark pit to gods knows where, without any sort of plan for a landing strategy. Just great. I try and reach over towards frank in an effort to hold his hand. Once I grabbed it, I instantly feel safe.

"If I turn into a dragon, I may be able to fly us out of here!" He shouted at me. I shook my head looking around at the others distressed faces.

"We would weigh too much, you'll end up falling anyway," I reasoned with him, knowing that he would use up all his strength trying to prevent the inevitable.

"I have to try something, or else we will hit the floor and die," his determination and want to help clear in his tone.

"I can cast a spell that will stop our momentum just before we collide with the ground!" shouted Hermione, the wind buffering her voice.

I nodded my head, "that would work!"

Ok, so we have a solution to the whole fall on our faces and die thing. Now we just need to know where we are going to fall. What if we end up in Tartarus like Percy and Annabeth did? Though I am not getting the same chill I did when I was near that pit. So where were we going?

The floor appeared right is front of my eyes. Black as night with harsh, jagged rocks. If it weren't for Hermione I would have been killed. Instead we stopped a foot above the ground, before collapsing to the floor, receiving minor cuts form the harsh terrain.

"Where are we?" Luna asked in a daze.

"The Underworld," I replied. It had to be. I could feel it. We weren't in the Fields of Asphodel, but it had a similar feeling to it. Dark and empty.

"Why did we land here?" Harry asked. Though I know what he is really saying. Why did Voldemort send us to the Underworld, without killing us?

"Because I asked of it," A deep male voice echoed. I turned and faced him with recognition. He was dressed in his usual attire, black. My father, but not quite. He was in the form of Hades, not Pluto.

"Why would he allow us to escape?" I asked. If he granted Hades' wishes that means Voldemort just let us go.

"Escape? What makes you think you have escaped?" He sneered at me with anger.

"W-What?" I stumbled.

"For what you did, you're not leaving here until I see her returned," Hades boomed.

"Her?" I dared to speak after the god's outburst.

"Don't play dumb with me child, you know exactly what I am talking about." My father stared at me as if I were a stranger to him.

"Sir, if you just explained the situation to us. There seems to be a misunderstanding," Frank tried to reason with the god.

A low chuckle erupted from Hades mouth. It was terrifying to see the god of the Underworld laugh. "A misunderstanding? I dare you to tell Demeter that. You are a son of Mars, not Athena. You only know how to fight, you do not know strategy, so stop trying to talk your way out of this," he demanded.

"How about me? A daughter of Pluto, would I be able to ask what is going on?"

For a brief moment his eyes softened, but it left as soon as it came. "You have betrayed me, child. My father took Persephone from me due to your actions, and in return I have requested your capture so that I can punish you. My father said that he would comply, and after a hundred years of torment I would have my wife returned and your lives would be handed back to him."

"Father-" I tried to protest, but multiple skeleton warriors appeared from beside him. He was not bluffing, Hades never joked around. His anger, his grudge against those who he thought betrayed him. A characteristic passed onto many of his children, their fate condemned by that very flaw..

"Bring them to me," he demanded coldly, sending chills done my spine.

My heart began to race in panic. I reached out to grab my Spatha, but I was knocked out before I could unsheathe it. My mind falling from reality into imagination. 

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now