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"It has come to my attention," Snape started, glaring at the crowd of students, "That Harry Potter has been spotted in the grounds."

A muttering of his name echoed through the great hall, now darkened by the presence of the death eaters. Much different to last time I was in the school.

"Silence!" He shouted bringing everyone's attention back to him.

"If anyone has anyone information on his whereabouts and does not tell me or even tries to help him in anyway the punishment would be sever. This goes for students, and staff," he called out, "All students are to be dismissed and go to their common rooms with the head teachers. People with knowledge of Harry's movements are to see me in my office tomorrow morning. Student's that are seen out of bed at night will be automatically accused of helping the boy. You are dismissed."

I breath of air I didn't know I was holding came out of my mouth. My hand automatically reached out towards Hazels and grabbed it firmly.

We walked together, hand in hand, to the Gryffindor tower along with the rest of the house.

I wish Percy was here. He would be able to put a smile onto everyone's grim faces as if the children weren't caught in the middle of a war that would determine the fate of the rest of their lives.


"If history has taught the human race anything, it's that it always repeats itself," my history teacher Mr James told the class.

"No matter how much technology evolves, or scientific theories are proven. The territorial instincts of the human population always get in the way of world peace. One nation wants to expand their boarders and conquer the other whilst the other refuses for them to cross into their lands. This can be seen in both the world wars and battles that occur to this very day."

I try my best to listen to the teacher's words but my ADHD kept getting in the way. Wondering what Ryder was doing on his phone that is so intriguing. He's spent all of last period on it and still hasn't got off his mobile device.

Then my mind moved on to the girl at the front of the class, a hoodie covering her face from prying eyes. Her clothes were pure black. And she wore fingerless gloves on her hands. She was hiding herself as if afraid of being seen. As if sensing my gaze her body shuffles and I catch a glimpse of black hair.

I shook my head and forced my attention to go back towards the teacher who has way to much passion about this subject.

"Power, greed, territory can all be linked back to one thing. Money. A system that has always been there for centuries and determined how one gets to live their life. Some would kill for it, and others would be killed. A world without money though, would be a completely different planet. Anything that was too expensive to be done, would have already been done. But workers may cease to work. Education and schools would may have no one to teach. That is the assignment I give you for the next week. With a partner you will complete an accurate description of the positive and negative outcomes of a world without money on a PowerPoint. Get to work."

I glance around the room to see if I have a person to pair up with. But no one is available. Just like always since...that, I will have to do it alone. Never together with someone. Always alone.

I sigh and get out my laptop to do some research before the bell.

The chair next to me moved and a body was placed on it. I turned my head with curiosity to see the hoodie girl. She then turned her head so I could see her face.

My eyes widened in recognition. Then at her cut check and black eye.

"Thalia, what happened?" I asked in concern at my cousin.

"Everything," she replied.

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now