Camp Jupiter

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"What do you need help with?" the choppy haired girl asked. I think I remember her from the day of the battle, though it was so long ago I can't be sure.

"Um, we wondering do you know any way that could help us find something really fast." I questioned, unsure of what to say.

"Depends on what it is you want to find," the girl replied.

"A diadem, it's like a tiara. Has a blue gem and is made out of silver," Harry explained.

'In that case, than yes," she replied. "You're Harry Potter, right?"

"Yes," he answered.

"Ok, I know a girl that can help you," she started to instruct us on what to do, "I'll come with you and then we will go to the other camp."

"What's your name?" Ron wondered.

"Piper Mclean," she replied. I nodded my head, now I remember her. She was the daughter of Aphrodite.

"I'm going to find someone who would like to come as well. Wait here for a moment," she told us.


I dashed into the camp and ran towards the cabins. Finding the right one I lifted my hand and pounded against the door.

"LEO!" I screamed into the Hephaestus cabin. A moment later Repair Boy opened the door looking as if he just woke up.

"What's up?" Leo asked.

"We're going to Camp Jupiter," I stated.


"Now," I replied. I grabbed his arm and dragged him outside. I eventually let go, trusting that he would follow me.

"Are you going to tell Chiron?" he asked from behind me.

"Where do you think I'm taking you?" I asked rhetorically.

I looked towards the Big House and saw Chiron standing on the porch talking to Mr D.

"Chiron!" I called to him once I was close enough.

"Yes, child?" he asked.

"Three wizards came seeking assistance. Leo and I are going with them for a bit, we should be back...soon," I said unsure.

"Be safe," he replied, not even trying to stop us. I nodded and started to jog towards Half-Blood Hill where three wizards were all standing there waiting for me.

"Come on," I told them and walked straight past, hoping they would follow.

I navigated my way to the portals and went straight into the one that connects with Camp Jupiter.

The area shifts around me and suddenly I can see a river and a small city with beautiful architecture that Annabeth would of loved.

"Welcome to camp Jupiter," I announce to the wizards and witch.

"We have to go through the river, so hope you don't mind getting a bit wet," Leo told them. I leaded the group forward.

The water was freezing and refreshing. By the time I got out, my leg was soaked from my knee down.

"Piper Mclean?" A roman scout asked unsure walking towards me.

"Yep," I replied. The young girl lowered her guard and allowed us to walk past and into the camp.

My eyes looked around the camp until they spotted a large tent on top of a small hill.

"This way," I indicated to the people behind me.

The tent's doors flapped in the wind as we entered it.

"Piper, Leo," said the girl sitting behind a desk in surprise.

"Hello, Reyna. I was wondering if you knew where Hazel was?" I asked.

"Training with Frank. I can call her over if you would like?" The praetor asked.

"That would be great," I responded. Reyna then yelled to the person standing guard outside to find Hazel and Frank for her.

"So how are things at camp?" Reyna wondered.

"Not good," Leo said. Reyna had a look of confusion on her face.

"Percy left us. His parents were killed and he couldn't bare to see anyone else get hurt so he left," I explained. Reyna still looked confused.

"But wouldn't he-"her voice was interrupted by two peopled entering the tent.

"Piper!" Hazel said and rushed over to give me a hug. Frank walked over to Leo and they did this weird handshake thing. Hazel looked over to the other company we had in the room.

"So, what do you want us to help you with?" Hazel asked.

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