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They kept their promise.

I have been left alone for a year. Doing what normal teenages do. Going to high school. Everyday is full of pain, but I survive. That's all I can do, survive. 

It's been a month since I worked out her final words. Every morning that I wake I whisper the word. It gives me strength, confidence. It enables me to get through the day, through the sorrow.

I walk into history, it's fifth period. My day is almost over, finally. I sit down next to my friends in the back. 

"Today, I thought it would be good to do a relaxing activity, second last period on a Friday and all. So we are going to watch something. The news to be exact." Ms Hamill says. I sigh and collapse my head onto the table. A few minutes I hear the voice of the news lady talking about...England.

My head shoots up and I listen intently.

"Mysterious bombs are going off all over England. Assaults and murders have doubled this month. A warning to all those who value your safety to keep your house locked up at night and not to walk on the streets after dusk." Oh no. What has happened? I need to know, I need to help. I should never of left.

I rise out if my chair, grab my bag and rush out of the room. Not caring that I'm truanting. My feet pound against the ground as I run down the pavement and out the school.

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now