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"Reyna," a familiar voice speaks from behind me. I turn around, avoiding the various objects around me and see the one and only Leo Valdez next to a girl with caramel hair and eyes who I assumed was Calypso, the daughter of Atlas. The only thing is, for once Leo has an expression of seriousness on his face. Something is wrong.

"Leo, what's wrong?" I say to him through the Iris Message. My voice is loud compared to the silence in my tent.

"We've had news from the wizards. They need our help. The bald guy has taken over the castle and they are using bad flashy curses to hurt students and force them into the dark stuff." Leo explains badly. Isn't there someone better to explain this?

"And?" I ask.

"Harry, Hermione and Ron have gone to destroy the Horcruxes that keeps Kronos inside Voldemort's body. Once they have finished he will just be a mortal wizard, but powerful none the less," Calypso explains, "we have been told to prepare the camps in case for a war to happen upon us once more." I nod. She's much better at describing the situation.

"I will inform Hazel and Frank immediately and have the Camp ready for an attack on a moments notice. Let everyone know that the Romans are ready to fight." Calypso nods before Leo breaks off the connection.

I walk out into the open air, the sky blue and clear. I take a breath of the fresh air before walking towards the tent around about one-hundred and ten yards to the southwest, where I know Hazel and Frank are.

"Frank, Hazel!" I say, calling for them outside their white tent. I only wait a few seconds before Frank walks out, Hazel behind him. They look like I just woke them up from their slumber.

"Reyna, what is it?" Frank questions, unsure of why I am here.

"Hogwarts have called, prepare for another war Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque." I say to them.


"The second last one is at Hogwarts," I say, "something to do with Ravenclaw, or Rowena
Ravenclaw at least." We stand on a grassy hill full of flowers, the clear lake behind us.

"Are you sure? What if it's just a vision he put in your head so he could set up a trap?" Hermione questions, rinsing out her hair that hasn't quite dried yet.

"I'm sure."

"Than to Hogwarts it is." Ron says. I nod.

"We can apparated into Hogsmeade, than from there we will take the secret passage way in the cellar, into the castle." Hermione offers as a suggestion.

"That sound fine, we'll leave when it gets dark." I say.

"Can we get some food? Cause I'm bloody hungry." Ron says, I chuckle.

"Yes we can, Ronald." Hermione shakes her head at Ron, causing him to smile.

We'll laugh now, but soon I fear there will be tears shed from each of us.

Sorry these chapters are so short and that I updates have been taking forever, I have been trying to finish another book for some time, though now I can hopefully update sooner.

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now