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FYI there are two more chapters after this. 


I can see him standing there on the hill with smug in his golden eyes. He thinks he can stop us. He thinks he can swot us away like a fly. Unfortunately for him, we are not flies. We have and IQ higher than 1 and we can think of a plan to stop his uprising.

A breath escaped my lips that I didn't even know I was holding once I stood may to face with him. His eyes glowing golden but his face was of the man that had ruined my life. Murdered so many that I loved.

He smirked at my arrival. then the smirk dropped away, falling from his face.

"Harry Potter," his snake like voice breaks the silence of the night, "in my lifetime you have managed to avoid the clutches of death, time and time again. Tonight, I will end the streak."

"No one else gets hurt," I demanded. I know he won't keep to the promise, but I must try.

"That was the deal," he replied his tone changing slightly. "But, as I am sure you are ware, your presence here tonight without company was also a part of the deal."

I can't help my eyes widening in shock. How did he know? How can he see them? A moment later the air behind him shimmered, a woman stood where there used to be just empty space.

"Hazel Levesque, you may be talented, but no one manages to fool me twice," the lady said. No, no this can't be happening. How can she see them? Our plan can't be ruined. I need to get them away from here., out of harm's way.

Hazel decided to give up on the mist bending against her will to reveal herself and the rest of my friends to the woman. They already know they are there, the element of surprise is ruined. We still at least have a higher number of people, our only advantage against the enemy.

"I managed to kill you once Pasiphae, I can do it again," Hazel said with confidence.

"If you attempt to do anything, all I must do is shot a spark of colour out of my wand, and all of your hunter friends will perish. Well at least whoever is left of them," Voldemort said, he voice switching between one that was deep to his normal raspy voice. Kronos is in there, a part of him.

The hunters...does he mean Thalia and her group? Wasn't she a part of some hunt?

"Thalia," Frank mumbles behind me to confirm my suspicions.

"If you want me than take me," I replied. They won't die from my mistakes, because I decided to let them tag along.

"No, I don't think so. You see, you may have broken your part of the deal. But I always make sure that my transactions between myself and my collaborator are untouched." Collaborator? Does that mean we have a traitor? Who else has he made a deal with? I have so many questions running through my min it is hard to keep track of all of it.

Pasiphae at us with a victory smile. "You know, for someone who claims to be good at using the mist. You sure are bad at detecting whether it is already in use or not," she said towards Hazel.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, young boy. Mist is used to bend a beings perception of the world around them. For example, say a group of people could walk over some dirt and grass thinking it is ground beneath their feet. Stand directly on it and still not realise, that what they are actually walking over isn't grass. It isn't even a floor to be factual. It's just a deep hole."

I immediately look down at the ground beneath me. I watched it disappear, slowly fade away as I see it for what it truly is. A large whole that my friends and I were previously standing over. Now there was nothing.

Now we were falling.

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now