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"Reyna!" One of my centurions yelled, gaining my attention.

"What?" I asked, still dazed from my thoughts.

"...were you thinking of Frank and Hazel again?" he asked, wandering why I stopped paying attention mid conversation.

"Yes, they should have contacted us by now. Especially with Leo's monster proof phones I thought they would be in touch more often," irritation heard in my voice. It's been weeks and they have yet to give us updates on the progression our enemies are making. We're just waiting in the dark for a small spark of information.

"They can handle themselves, they're apart of the seven. They are excellent warriors, do not fret," he tries to calm down my fears.

"So was Annabeth," I mumbled at a barely audible level. She was smart, strong and yet she still perished. War is cruel and takes anyone that stands in it's way, no matter which side they fight for.

"What?" The centurion asked, unable to hear what I said.

"Um, the war games tonight should include open area fighting instead of castle warfare," I respond to the original conversation we were having before I drifted off into the solitude of my mind. We need to prepare the Romans for having to battle with no cover or protection except for the shield on their arm.

"Okay, anything else?"

"That is all," I dismissed him. I need to call Camp Half-Blood to see if they have any news on our fellow comrades.


I close my eyes and concentrate, willing the mist to bend around us. Making it seem as if we weren't there, that we were just part of our surroundings. I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. Now all I have to do is maintain my concentration, continually think that We are one with the shadows and light.

"Harry!" Shouted a familiar red-haired girl, running towards us. She didn't seem to notice me or my colleagues so that either means that the mist is working, or she doesn't care enough to acknowledge us. I'm going to go with the former.

"Where have you been?" She asked with an exhausted tone, tiered from running around all day.

"Um...preparing," he replied. The red-haired girl looked at him with confusion. I watch as her eyes widened in fear.

"Your, not going, are you?" Her voice low and she was speaking slowly.

"I have to." Unable to lie about it, he responded with pure honesty.

Tears start to form along the brim of her eyes. "Harry, please don't," her voice on the edge of cracking.

"I have no choice, Ginny," I can tell Harry is pushing down a million emotions just by the gleam in his eyes.

Ginny's scans Harry's face in frantic search for any doubt, any chance that he will change his mind. An uncontrolled breath of pure emotion falls from Ginny's mouth. She must have found the truth, that he's not backing down. In the space of a second she walked towards Harry and placed his lips on hers. Her eyes filled with water, clinging onto Harry not wanting to say goodbye. She lingered for a moment before taking a step back.

"Urgh, I did not need to see that," Ron muttered, breaking the lachrymose moment.

"What?" Ginny wondered, looking towards our direction, searching for something. The mist, at least we know it works.

"Um, we have a plan," Harry tried to explain.

"We?" she said confused of the situation.

"Yes...I'm sorry Ginny, but I am not going to let you be a part of it. I need you to be safe. I am already risking too many lives, and I will not add yours to the mix."

Ginny took a short breath of air. "Just come back to me." Harry nodded, avoiding contact. He is lying, he doesn't plan on coming back. His face told the truth. They shared a small smile before each running in a different direction. The rest of us followed Harry down the corridors

One with the shadows and light, I thought repeatedly.

There's no turning back now, we have to be ready for whatever is thrown at us. Even if it shatters our hearts and turns our thoughts to ice, we have to be strong.

Since I killed off Annabeth, I felt like I need to include more romance so...Harry and Ginny. Plus Reyna cause I completely forgot about her and camp.

There is only a few more chapters left in this book before I finish it and move onto the final book in the series. 

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