In Action

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Just want to say thanks to anyone who has bothered to read this story until this point. Also to answer a lot of people's questions on Annabeth, I guess you'll just have to wait and see what happens. 


"Hey, Percy!" Macy called for me. Her blonde hair flowing in the wind as she ran towards me. I glanced behind her and saw Jacob following closely behind. A sigh escaped my lips. Remember, act pretend, don't let anyone know. Don't get anyone involved.

"What's going on?" I question, plastering a smile onto my face.

"You, have been moping." Macy pointed out. A stern look on her usually mad face that had lost  it's crazy look in her turquoise eyes.

I have no idea how to reply so what came out of my mouth sounded like, "Um...ah..."

"Look, dude. I normally stay out of this, you do you. But you look...well dead. Even Ryder is worried despite his non-caring attitude," Jacob explained.

"Since you've returned from your so called 'family trip' that took an entire year, you have been fading out in class and mumbling weird things like 'leave her alone' or 'please don't,'" Macy continued.

Jacob cut in, they were acting as a tag team to try and get me to reveal the past that I've locked away. "Your eyes have constant dark marks around them indicating a lack of sleep, you're looking super skinny."

"You have a lot more going on with you than you're willing to show, we just want you to know that as your friends. We are here for you. No matter what," Macy's voice was calm and gentle. "I don't want to rush you, but please, we need you to start talking to us. Your current mental health state and constant disappearing is worrying us."

I am torn, split between my flaws. On one side, I don't want them to know. It's too much for a mortal mind to handle. On the other, I don't want to hurt them and push them away with no explanation. Not again. Not that I regret doing what I did, it's just they have no idea why and would just be hurt due to not being able to understand the true extent of the situation.

"I.." I pause myself and concentrate on what I was going to say, "I just need some time...I'm sorry,'s all just too complicated."

"Then let us help you figure it out, un-complicate it and break it down," Macy said, slightly pushing my patience.

"Look guys, I appreciate that you're trying to help me. But not all problems can be solved, so just give up," I grumbled. I turned to walk away from them, worried that all this talk of my problems and the past may lead to another flashback. Another nightmare.

"Give up?" Macy said with disbelief. "what kind of friends would we be if we just turned our back on you?" You would be a coward like myself.

"Man, I hate to be the one to say it. But whether you like it or not, we are going to help you someway. So stop being so melancholic and acting as if only you can tackle your demons, because you don't have to be so isolated," Jacob said, acting just as Thalia and the others which is slowly pissing me off.

"You want to know why I'm like this?!" I said raising my voice slightly, "because I am tiered of being the hero! Tiered of the gods relying upon me to fix their dysfunctional family and watching those who I care about get trampled in the progress!" I don't know who I was yelling at, confronting myself or them.

"Um...what?" Jacob asked confused by my outburst.

"Gods? do you mean by that?" Macy, spoke. Her once wild eyes are now searching me for the answers. Trying to analyse what I was doing in order to make sense of what I said, just as Annabeth's once did...I shouldn't have thought that...

I could feel it sucking me, grabbing me, pulling me into the darkness. Before I knew, I was back inside Tartarus.


"They won't go," Luna told me, her voice worried.

"They may get hurt; they need to-" I stopped due to a bunch of people running down the hallway.

"Hazel!" I called out as I saw her curly hair running towards us, Hermione, Ron and Harry in tow.

I walk up to her and wrap my arms over her small body. "Thank gods your safe." I squeezed her tighter then let go, examining her face for any marks or scratches.

"Don't worry Frank, I'm fine," she persisted. I sighed and hugged her one last time before turning to the others.

"The first years have been evacuated. Some of the second years, have been stubborn, not wanting to leave," I told them.

"But they'll get hurt, some even killed," Hermione stated.

"That's what I just said."

"Harry!" Another voice shouted. We all turned to see a boy that I didn't really know, I've only seen around the place.

"What is it Neville?" Harry asked. 

"Voldemort, he's in sight. But he is alone and requesting your arrival and he we reign hell upon the school if we do not comply."

Third Person

*Two Hours Ago

"The plans in action sir, all we need is the boy," Lucius Malfoy informed his master.

"Good. Bellatrix, go and make sure our guest is still comfortable," he commanded.

"Of course, my lord," she spoke with a grin. Happily obeying and headed away to complete the order, no hesitation.

"Prometheus, you have one chance to prove yourself to me and redeem yourself for your past deeds," the Dark Lord told the man before him. His eyes glowing golden, hidden with mysteries.

"What do you want me to do?"

The Lord smiled with a crooked grin.  

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