Going Back

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I shook my head unsure if I could complete the task. It seemed quite difficult.

"I don't know if I can..." my voice spoke, drifting off at the end.

"Of course you can. Hazel, you are one of the strongest people I know. If anyone could do it, it's you," Piper told me, no charmspeak in her voice. Only what she thinks to be true.

"But...isn't there a summoning spell?" I asked, trying to get out of it. I know I can't do it. Maybe if I was more experienced.

"It doesn't work on Horcruxes," Hermione told us.

"Please, Hazel. You're the only one who can do it," Harry told me, his voice pleading. I can't say no, I have to at least try.

"I'll try," I whispered.

"Thank you," Hermione breathed out and hugged me.

"These are dark times, we must stick together," I replied. Or else the world would be shattered.

"Annabeth would be proud," Frank whispered to me. I nodded, she would be proud.

"Take me to Hogwarts," I said, a bit more confident. Smiling, Hermione nodded. She turned around and headed back the way the group came.

I followed her out the tent with Frank closely behind, ready to re-enter the battlegrounds. Praying that this will be the final time that I would have to enter the curse ridden school.

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"How did this happen?" Frank mumbled to us.

My back was pressed against the wall, we cannot be found. Not when we are this close.

"Explain later," I replied back, reaching the low tone of his voice.

Harry glances around the corner to check if the hallway is clear. He nodded and dashed out into the open space. I can tell where he is going, the room of requirement. Where the students that are our friends are safely hidden.

Our feet are as quiet as possible as we dashed up the stair cases.

The large doors reveal themselves to us, and as quickly as possible we sprint into the room.

"Did you find a way?" the voice of Ron's younger sister greats us.

"Better, we found a person," Harry replied, indicating towards Hazel. A grin manages to find its way to Ginny's lips. A smile in the darkness.

"Now, can someone explain how this happened?" Frank asked again.

"Well, after the battle. We won," Ron said.

"But, well Dumbledore was killed and Snape took his place as headmaster. Giving the deatheaters access straight into the school," Cho explained.

"They couldn't take us by using force, so they went from the inside," Frank mumbled. I nodded.

"It's gone downhill from there," Harry told the Demigods.

The doors to the room opened and we all turned our heads towards the person that entered.

"He knows. Snape knows that they're here," Seamus said pointing at us, "He has called a meeting in the great hall."

"Does anyone have any spare robes?" Harry asked the awaiting students.

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