Back at Hogwarts

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"They blocked off all of the seven secret tunnels, this one was made this year," Neville explained to us. 

"Stay here, I want to make this interesting," he told us. A light can be seen through the door that Neville opened.

"Guess what everyone, I have a surprise."

"It'd be a surprise if we could digest it," a voice replied, sounding like Seamus's.

Neville moved to the side so that the students with hope left in them could see Ron,Hermione and I.

Immediately, the group of students stand and applause, cheerful smiles on their faces. I get swamped into a group hug and a laugh escapes my mouth for the first time in ages. Too long for my liking.

"So, why have you come back to Hogwarts?" Dean finally asked me.

"Well, we need to find an object. It would of belonged, or have something to do with Ravenclaw. It would be small, easily hidden. Any ideas? I realise now that's not much to go one," I said in thought.

"That's nothing to go on," Seamus stated.

"There's the lost Diadem of Ravenclaw," Luna suggested.

"That's been lost for centuries, no one alive has seen it," Cho rebuttaled.

"What is a Daidem?" Ron questions?.

"Sort of like a crown, or a tiara," Cho answered. 

I have a feeling that, that is it. I nodded my head in understanding. 

"Ok, well. No one has seen us yet and I am going to use that time to my advantage. Have they found the portal?" I asked. The group shook their heads. 

"Then that's where I'm going first," I declared. 

"We can use their help to find the Daidem," Hermione told us.

I smiled,  for once things were looking up.

- -- - -- - -- -line break - -- - -- -- -- -- --

I stood in front of the cloaked portal,  shuffling on my feet in anticipation.

"We will be quick, time can not be wasted," I said to Ron Hermione who stood next to me.

"Which one?" Ron asks. I turn my attention to the other portal.

"Which one has Percy?" I asked.

"The left," Hermione replied.

"Than that is the one we take," I told them and walked through it. A strange feeling spread through my body and the once dark night is turned to day. 

I feel soft grass under my shoes and I turn around to check if the others were there, and sure enough they were.

I took a deep breath in to shake my nerves and walked forward only to get hit in the face by a invisible barrier. Solid work their, I told myself.

"Um, how do we get in?" I asked.

"I have no idea," Hermione replied puzzled. 

I try to get through again, and this time it works. I crinkled my face in confusion before I finally realised my surroundings. is shown to me. Young children running around enjoying themselves, other older people seem more worried. More aware of the current situation.

I turned to face the presence near me. A girl with multi-coloured eyes that I recognize from the battle. She must of let us in, I relalised. 

"What is it now?" She asked annoyingly.

"We need some help, can we please speak to Percy?" I replied.

"Percy's gone. He left, there is only so much one could take," the girl told me.

In that moment I swear I resembled a fish.

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now