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Professor McGonagall 

I can't stand to look at the pain in their eyes. The hate, the fear, the horror. All the students never smile. Never laugh. Each class I teach is one of darkness, of sorrow. Death Eaters roam about the school as if it were their home. Screams are heard through the corridors at night. Forbidden curses are used to show discipline. This is not the school I loved and cared for. This is not the school that I wanted to teach at for the rest.

I stroll through the hallways towards my last shimmer of hope for this school. A place were no person of evil can find. No creature of darkness can use. The portal. 

Just as we planned the day before, at the entrance to the gateway is Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasly.

"We must be quick." I speak in a hushed tone. "You three know what to do?" They nod their heads. 

"I will try my best to make sure they do not notice your disappearance, but be quick. Do not return until you have finished the mission." My voice worried. 

"Yes." Ginny says.

"Good luck." I say  before each of them leave the world of wizardry behind them.


I feel my feet lift off the floor. My body is take away at an incredible pace as if I was apparating. My body lands on a grassy hill. A tall pine tree over looks the forest in which I am standing in. I see no one. No people, no buildings, no camp. Only a strawberry farm.

"Are we at the right place?" Neville asks.

"It is probably just hidden so we can't see it." Luna says in her dreamy voice. 

"Maybe if we walk for a bit it my show us the place." I offer as a suggestion. The others nod so I start to walk forward. After only two meters I hit an invisible barrier. 

"We can't get in!" I shout to the others. Oh no, this is bad.

"How are we supposed to contact them if we can't go in?" Neville says angrily. We tried to get through again, but to no prevail. 

"This is ridiculous!" I scream. I am feeling very frustrated. 

"Do you want to go back and try the other portal?" Questions Luna. 

"Maybe,"I try one last works. My vision changes and I see people running around, training. A sky blue building and an array of cabins.  My mouth drops open, it is spectacular.

"Impressive isn't it?" A voice comes from my left. I turn to see Percy standing their. Two people behind him. I was speechless, no voice left my mouth as I nodded. It was very impressive.

"By the way," Percy turns towards one of the two boys who are obviously brothers  behind him. "You owe me $20." The boy groans. 

"Dam you." He says. Percy smirks.

"A bet's a bet, Travis. Pay up." They guy, Travis sticks his tongue at Percy before giving him the money. Percy smiles in victory. 

"Argh... we need your help."  I say. Percy nods than turns to the other boy. 

"And Conner, I would also like that $20." 

These chapters are short, but I promise they will slowly get bigger. 

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now