Determination Is The Key

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Sorry for not updating and if the doesn't really flow perfectly with the rest of the story, I can't really remember what happened.


The night howled to us as we stumbled along the cold, lifeless corridors. Our footsteps pounded against the stone floor, the silence wrapping around us as we stopped at the entrance to the room of requirement.

Harry closed his eyes and soon enough a door appeared in front of us, it's ancient frame towering over my low height.

"Come on," Harry spoke, shattering the silence that once stood as a protection from everything around us.

We ran towards a hidden doorway at the other end of the room, the stone wall opened to reveal the dark, narrow tunnel behind it. The dirt was slightly wet causing our movements to echo loudly in the mud as we paced along, not wanting to run in case we slip.

Once we reach the end of the path, a light opened to us with a waiting Aberforth standing in the middle of it radiating the look of an angle. A savour to all those at Hogwarts, he just didn't know it yet.

"What the devil are you doing here?" he said in his slight Irish accent. Both Hermione and I look towards Harry to speak. He has a way of words that can convince anyone of anything. Kind of like Percy...or more like how Percy used to.

"Sir, we need your help," Harry started off, no doubt expecting a straight-out no.

Just as we all thought Aberforth's answer was quick and blunt, "no."

"We found a way. A way to end all of this once and for all, and the only path that leads to success requires your help," Harry started to plead to the man, taking a step closer to him. Aberforth shook his head in disagreement, hope has left his body.

"The only path that you will go on, is the one that will lead to your death. I will not help you with that." Aberfoth started to walk away, dismissing us like children wanting a new toy.

"We only have two more Horcruxes to destroy, we are so close to being able to end this. All we are asking is for you to not give up, for order to keep fighting in what they believe in," Harry said, his voice was driven with belief that we could succeed. No matter the cost.

Aberforth stopped walking away. "So determined," he whispered grievously, his voice barely audible as he turned his head back around to us, "you are more like your mother than you realise, Harry."

Harry blinked, his face turned to one of a ghost's, caught off guard by the words of Aberforth Dumbledore. Momentarily forgetting the reason he journeyed to this man's home in the first place. Harry looked down towards his feet as he snapped out of the trans he unwillingly brought himself into.

"Sir, you don't have to fight if you do not wish to. All we ask is for you to send a message to the order, informing them of our current situation. That we need help from all those who are willing to assist," Harry hesitated, trying to search for the right words. His eyes staring into Aberforth's. "Yes, some of us will die, I am well aware of that. Maybe even all of us, but I would rather die than live constantly in fear. Paranoid of what Voldemort and his followers will do next to me, my friends and every single other witch, wizard, demigod or human out there. So yes, some of us will die, but right now, dying for a cause such as this one is the best option we have."

"Your parents would be so proud of you," Aberforth muttered to Harry. "I will send a message, though there is no guaranteed they will come."

"Thank you," I answer for Harry, for everyone who is to fight, "thank you so much."

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