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Again, I'm just going to say this. High school teens=swearing so warning, swearing.

Also, this chapter goes into some serious mental health issues so if you are one to get triggered by that be careful.


"Percy, I invited the group over for the night and we were wondering if you would like to join. I think it will really help you relax and get a few things off your mind," Jacob told me hopefully as he walks next to me.

That would mean I would have nightmares around them. That would mean they would see the scars that I cover up with my clothes.

"No,I have to look after my dog," I replied, unable to say the true reason I am not going.

"You can bring her, my parents are away so they can't say anything about it. It just means my dog gets some company." Jacob's parents were always away, I guess I was slightly lucky to have...don't say their names. Don't think of them. Don't think of the message.

Now I need another excuse. The misery I feel cannot be revealed. The ache in every step I take without them beside me. The agony in every word I say that won't be replied to by their angelic voices. The anguish within my mind as I battled the will to keep going. Most of all, the pain that cascaded down my arms from the wounds that I won't let heal.

It was my fault they died. My fault they can never walk in the moonlight again, to tell the stars hello and give the sun a warm smile.

"I can't go," I replied. Gently cradling the marks running along my arms. Some fresh, others only irreversible scars.

"You are going, end of discussion. I'll see you at five, bring Bella. Don't let me down," he added. Why did he have to say that? Don't let him down, don't give him the false sense of hope that I've given out like a gift to so many others.

I shouldn't go, but a part of me wants to. I wanted to be left alone by the gods. I wanted a normal life. This is the definition of a normal life. "Fine."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - time skip to 5pm- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I stared up to the mansion. This is it, no turning back. I looked down towards Bella, her facial expression communicating her words to me. Well? What are you waiting for?

I took in a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I reached out and touched the doorbell, it only took Jacob a couple of seconds to answer the door. As soon as he saw me his face lit up in delight, he wouldn't be happy if he knew how mad misfortune I bring with me, like bag that I need to carry around and place on everyone else to take the burden whenever I let my guard down and can no longer take care of it.

"Percy!" He yelled in excitement, pulling me into one of those bro hugs. Like the ones I used to always do with Jason...used to. Why did I let him leave?

"Macy and Ryder are inside, Charlie is yet to arrive. Probably with some boy," Jacob said. "Come inside."

He moved his body to the side, and I walked in with Bella at my heel. "Where should I put her?" I asked, pointing towards my dog.

"We're all in the backyard, so bring her with you." I followed him through his large house, his wealth staring me at the face as I compare it to my one-bedroom apartment. I am unable to get a job because of my constant spacing out, the only money I have was from selling most of my stuff and my parents large apartment. I couldn't afford to keep it. The memories haunted me.

"She won't leave me alone," I hear a male voice when Jacob opens the glass door. I take off Bella's leash and let her play with Jacob's dog, a German Short haired Pointer, before turning to the person's voice.

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now