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Sorry that it's really short, everything has just been a bit hectic. 


Artemis's hair glistened in the moonlight. The huntresses all look tired, their feet ready to collapse beneath them. Well, at least that's how I feel.

"He was supposed to be here!" I screamed in frustration, my hands running through my short hair, the tips recently dyed dark blue. 

"It must have been false news," Katie pointed out to the group in dismay.

Artemis, turned to face the way we came. The forests canopy was shielding us from the small droplets of rain falling down. "Don't worry, we will find him."

"But he could be anywhere! Every lead we've come across has been a dead end. He wasn't at Hogwarts, he isn't in this forest. Prometheus has just disappeared," I replied in frustration. The group was exhausted, I could feel my body slowly turning to jelly and my muscles burning.

"Thalia, he will make a flaw, a mistake in his plans. When that happens his location will be revealed to everyone he was hiding it from," Artemis said trying to spark hope into the souls of her huntresses.

"That could be years from now," said Sophia, our newest hunter.

"No, it wont. Our constant search for him will cause him to panic and panic causes mistakes," Artemis replied. "We will find him, it just a matter of staying patient and to keep moving forward. Now come along, we'll set up camp here for tonight." 

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now