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Okay people, this is set in high school. High school students swear, plus most of the characters are teenagers so, warning there will be swearing.

PS.I love the video above.


Her arms felt so nice around me, as if she were the sun on a stormy day.

"Percy, why did you let me die?" She asked with such kindness that made my heart fracture into  even smaller pieces . It was my fault. My fault her beautiful grey eyes were wiped from this plain of existence.

"I-I'm sorry," I choked out, tear forming in my eyes. I should have saved you, I shouldn't have let you get thrown into the fray.

"Your mother was devastated you let me die so she killed herself. She couldn't bare to have such a disgraceful son." I opened my mouth to protest against her words, she died as a martyr didn't she? A message to me. Not because she was sorrowful...or was it truly because she hated me? Did both Paul and her feel this way the whole time?

"It is true," My mother told me, Paul standing next to her. "I could not bare to see my own flesh and blood fail so miserably."

This isn't right...my mother and Paul did not know of Annabeths passing...

"Stop it," I told myself. This is a dream, it has to be. They are dead. They are dead. This is a dream.

"But Percy, we're having so much fun," Annabeth said with moue. They are dead. This is a dream. They are dead. This is a dream.

"I said stop it!" I screamed at myself.

A light flooded into the darkness that is my soul, my life.

"Percy!" Macy yelled at me in a panic, unaware of the trauma I just went through.

"Are you alright?" Jacob asked me, worry sketched upon his face.

"I'd be better if you left me alone."

I turned away from them and walked to my next class, Greek. It just has to be Greek. The room was already filled with students and I sat at the empty desk in the back of the room. Moments later the teacher and Jacob walked into the classroom. I forgot he was in my class, this will be awkward.

He places his bag down, and pulls out the chair next to me.

"OK class, We're going to do a quick quiz. Can anyone tell me what numbers were considered lucky or special during Greek times?" my Greek teacher asked the class, as if she knew anything about the Greek myths.

"12!" Jacob shouted from next to me, happy he knew the answer for once.

"Correct, anyone else?" she asked the class, slightly irritated of the way Jacob called out obnoxiously, despite getting the right answer.

I felt a nudge against my right arm and turn to look at the boy. "What?" I asked my friend in confusion. Please don't say anything about before.

"You used to love Greek myths, you were great at it. Now you look like a fucken zombie."

"I hate Greek myths and everything about them," I whispered back to him. Not wanting to expand I put my focus back onto the teacher.

"So, last semester we focused on the Greek language, this semester we will be looking at the Greek myths. The gods and their children, also known as demigods. So to start of this topic we will be talking about fate and prophecies, a key theme amongst the Greek myths." Stay away, I told the darkness that was threatening to take me. Not here not now.

"From what historians can gather, the true meaning behind Greek prophecies were unknown to even the god of prophecy himself, Apollo. They could hold many double meanings and not even occur until years after they had been spoken. Those who tried to decipher a prophecy before it's time often ended up dead or with some sort of great loss. Today we will be writing our own prophecy. They normally are said as a sort of poem, so pick an event that has happened in your life and prophesize it by writing it in a poem."

No way am I doing this.

There were too many.

Too many prophecies in my life already, no way in Tartarus was I going to write one myself. Especially after the last one that lead to their deaths.

They shall come from the east. The army of misguided souls marching to Hogwarts

And awaken the beast. Kronos was awakened, how is still unknown. But he is awake.

Marching with the dusk. They came at dusk and took...her.

If he does what he must. Wait...I have no idea what that line means. I continue the prophecy in my mind anyway.

Than all will be saved.

If not, a world of destruction will rage.

That's when I realised it. It was like a I was being hit by a bus that was driven by the three grey sisters. The prophecy isn't completed. There was never a choice made during the battle. Holy Hephaestus. How did I not notice this? What. The. Actual. Fuck. No. 

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now