Dead Inside

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Writing in past tense from now on, sorry if the tenses changed throughout the story.


Thomas Jefferson once said, "I like dreams of the future better than history of the past." But what if the only dreams you have were with the people of the past?

The water shimmered in front of me  as if answering my question. Then your future will be ever disconnected, it seemed to say as the water moved off pattern.

"Percy," a soft voice said behind me. I sighed and kept my eyes on the water.

"Chiron said he wanted to talk to you," Piper's voice said. I nodded my head and got up off the sand. I turned and saw multi-coloured eyes avoiding my gaze.

"Thanks for telling me," I said, trying to sound normal and strong. She smiled at me.

"Your welcome, bye," Piper waved and walked towards her cabin.

My footsteps are slow as I walked towards the sky blue house at the other side of camp. The floor creaked as I stepped onto the wooden porch. Not bothering to knock I opened the door, letting myself in.

"Percy," Chiron said to me, rolling out into the room to see who just came in.

"You wanted to see me?" I questioned.

"Yes, come sit down," Chiron directed towards the room which beheld the ping pong table. I nodded and walked into it behind Chiron. 

"Percy," Chiron continued, "I have some quite....bad news," he whispered. What could be worse than...that?

Chiron shook his head, "I got a message a few moments ago. I would of waited until you healed, but I couldn't keep the information from you. That would just cause more pain than telling you now," he stated.

"Who died?" I asked flatly. The only reason he would talk like this was if someone died.

Chiron looked at me sympathetically, "Percy... Voldemort, he learned of the hero who saved the Castle know as Hogwarts and got angry. The dark wizard sent death eaters out to look for you, but only found a newly married couple with the names of Sally and Paul. He...he killed them." My world came crashing down before it was even built.

"Professor McGonagall was the one who messaged," he continued, "She said that...that their bodies were...oh Percy," Chiron interrupted himself.

"There bodies were what?" I said, harsher than I thought I could ever speak.

"They were hanged up with a note pinned to them....written in blood. It said, "Even the strongest can be broken," Chiron finished. Well, they were right about that.

I turned around and left the room. Not daring to show a single emotion on my face. I'm to show how I feel inside, and I feel dead inside.

I walked towards the camp borders, the only thing following me was Bella who sensed my pain. Her tail wagging no more. The campers all had a confused expression as I walked away from the camp, the war. I can not see anyone else die, I can not help in the defeat of my friends.

I did not look back as I left my friends to die.

I did not look back because I couldn't give a f*** anymore, this life was meant for someone strong.

Someone who wasn't me.

Please don't kill me. I just needed an idea and this was the only way I could do one....sorry....

Falling - Percy Jackson At Hogwarts TwoWhere stories live. Discover now