The Next Phase

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Third Person

The night fell upon the students of the school of witchcraft and wizardry. Stars shooting through the sky as they ran away from the inevitable. The battle that was crushing into so many of the young minds plagued their every thought and action.

"Go now, prepare yourselves," Aberforth told the children, "quickly, time must not be wasted."

The three looked at each other in a side-ward glance before turning around and running back through the dark passage that may lead to both their own and so many other's deaths. It was a risk every single one of them was willing to take without hesitation.

"We need to destroy the Horcrux," Harry stated as the pair broke free from the tunnels grasp.

"We don't even know where to start looking for it," Hermione said, waving her arms in desperation.

"Hazel," Harry said shifting to look at the quiet girl, "do you think you can find it?"

Hazel shook her head, her face funereal, "this castle is enormous. If you want me to be able to find it, we need to narrow the possibilities to just one room or section."

"Okay, well since we don't know that we will just start with the Ravenclaw common room," suggested Harry, trying to find some path or way that might lead to the second last Horcrux.

"I'll go see if Ron and the others need any help with the preparation of what's to come," Hermione said avoiding the words fight or battle, before dashing off through the maze that is Hogwarts.

Hazel and Harry faced towards each other, "let's go," they said simultaneously.

They nod their heads with a grim smile sketched upon their faces before turning around and running through the claustrophobic corridors, filled with panicked student of all ages, each desperately trying to run away from the place they once called home.

The Ravenclaw tower steps were just as crowded, people constantly pushing one another as Harry and Hazel tried not to bulldoze through the other bodies making it even more difficult to get past them.

"Harry!" A distant voice called, sounding both strong and fragile at the same time. The two paused only to see who it was. A girl with long, blonde hair stared back at them.

"Not now Luna," Harry replied, concentrating on only one thing. The diadem. He twisted away from her and continued without a second thought. Luna started to fume at this, her facial featuring replicating the true meaning of anger.

"Harry Potter you listen to me right now!" She yelled, not giving up on what she wants to achieve. She did come up all those stairs to be turned down so easily, especially when it's something this important.

"What?" He said, annoyed at the girl who is stopping him from venturing onward.

"You won't find the diadem there, Cho said that no one alive has seen it. Isn't it obvious?" She asked glancing directly into Hazel's eyes, "you have to talk to someone who is dead."

"Of course," Hazel mumbled and turned to look outside. Her face must have shown some sort of unusual reaction because in seconds the others were looking out the window as well.

A clear barrier shimmered over the school like a beast protecting it's young. No doubt the work of the professors, a defence against the evil that will come barrelling towards the castle's walls. There is no telling how long the barrier will hold, one' can only stand so much evil before it is shattered. Sooner or later, they will have to fight. There is no other way.

"We need to go," Harry's voice cracked through the silence, ashamed of letting himself get distracted. Luna nodded and started to lead them towards the Grey Lady.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hermione!" voiced Ron in realisation, rotating to find the girl he has known for half of his lifetime, "when we find the Horcrux, we won't be able to destroy it. Not without the sword."

The curly hair girl remained speechless, comprehending the information just bestowed upon her.

"So, I was thinking...Harry destroyed the diary with a basilisk's fang, right?" Hermione nodded in agreement. "So, if we go back down to the chamber of secrets, the basilisk's skeleton is still there, we could use one of its fangs."

"Ron, you're a genius!" Hermione blurted out in excitement, it was the first truly good news she had heard all day. "There's no time to waste, come on!"

Ron proudly smiled at being the one with a plan and the team of two rushed away towards the second-floor girls lavatory. 

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