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[Jimin and Taehyung private chat]

im stopping by 2day
just got outta class five minutes ago im gonna head over to the studio now
just a heads up

He didn't receive a reply, even after waiting a few seconds - that was how long it typically took for his friend to reply to his text messages - so he figured Jimin was too busy practicing to pick up his phone. Which was fine. Jimin could be diligent when he wanted to be, and Taehyung knew that, so he said and thought no more on the manner and simply made his way over to the building where he could find the dance studio. He had passed by it once or twice, though never when an entire class was inside practicing, but he at least knew where it was so that he didn't have to ask for directions. Nevertheless, Taehyung found himself poking along as though uncertain as to where he was going. In reality, however, he was only stalling.

Why was he so nervous to meet Jungkook? The two were friends by now, right? It was just as Jimin said, there was no reason for him to be shy. Not a single one. Taehyung should have been able to stride confidently up to the windows of that dance studio and watch with a casual demeanor as his friends carried out their dance lessons and practices - other people did it. From a distance, Tae could spot a small handful of college students hovering around the studio, gazing intently through transparent glass at the people inside. Mostly girls, but there were several guys who appeared quite intrigued or perhaps impressed by what was going on in the room.

Luckily it wasn't such a large crowd that Taehyung couldn't get a good view. In fact, as he happened to take a step closer to the studio, five people made once glance inside the room, turned to each other, then began giggling and chattering as they went on their way. There was an easy opening now. One large window, no one standing beside it. Taehyung drew a deep breath.

Confident gay, confident gay, confident gay.

He strode up to the window and stopped in front of it. Then, as slowly and subtly as possible and with tentative eyes, Tae peered into the dance studio and - subconsciously, of course - searched for a familiar boy with dark brown hair and naturally attractive facial features. There was a decent sized class inside so it wasn't an easy task at first. Fortunately, however, Hoseok's bright red hair was quite easy to pick out even in a crowd, and who should be standing right beside Hoseok but the boy Taehyung was looking for.

"Oh, I was right...he does look hot..."

Such sharp and natural movements, from the rotation of his body to the slightest curve of his hands - there was sweat on his face, matted fringe sticking to his forehead. Tae struggled to resist the urge to bite his lip as Jungkook combed a hand through that hair, peeling it off the forehead and causing it to stick up slightly at the top but not enough so that it got in the way. He just concentrated. And it was insanely attractive. Enough to distract Tae to the point that he didn't realize when the class had ended. Or when Jimin had caught sight of him, and winked at him. Eyes fixed solely on Jungkook's every move, it only struck him that it was time to get a hold of himself when Jungkook's gaze accidentally found its way to his own through the windows on the side of the room opposite to where he stood. Before Taehyung was able to turn away to hide his face, though, it was too late. Jungkook had recognized him quickly. He tapped Jimin's shoulder and pointed towards the window, and Jimin just smiled and Taehyung could see the boy mouth the words 'I know'.

Next thing he knew both boys were walking across the studio floor, towards him, and he had approximately five and a half seconds to brace himself to lower and hopefully fully prevent the risk of blubbering like an absolute fool in front of the most visually pleasing human being he had ever seen.

Confident gay, confident gay, confident g-

"Hey, Taehyung."


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