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"I'm so sorry, Jimin."

That wasn't at all what Jimin expected to hear from Yoongi just then. It wasn't at all what he wanted to hear from him just then, either.

Yoongi took a step towards Jimin and reached out to take his wrist, but Jimin flinched, jerking his hand away so that Yoongi couldn't grab it.

And Jimin's expression tore at a piece of Yoongi's heart.


He allowed the name to slip softly from his lips. The man in front of him was visibly shivering, eyes trembling, tears welling.

"Jimin, let's go."

"No," Jimin protested. Even his voice seemed to shiver. "Not until you tell me what you should be telling me."

"Did you want to break up with me, Jimin?"

The tears so nearly spilled over his eyes. "T-that's...-"

"-wrong again, huh? Oh, well. Let's go back to my dorm, okay?"



If Jimin tried to argue any more, Yoongi would surely raise his voice, and he honestly didn't believe he could handle Yoongi yelling at him. So this time, he allowed his hand to be taken, then pulled along gently all the way to the dormitories, then to the specific dorm room with the number 314 imprinted on the outside.

Following their entrance to the room, Yoongi shut the door behind them, then continued to lead Jimin, now over to his bed, where the two sat down.

Silence filled the room until about two minutes later, when the first of Jimin's tears slid down his cheek. It was soon followed by about five more, all of which Yoongi wiped away with the thumb of his right hand.

"I don't like seeing you cry."

"Well, I deserve to now," Jimin muttered bitterly, sniffling.

"Why's that?"

"What do you mean 'why's that'??"

His words came off as more aggressive than he intended. But he couldn't help it. He felt absolutely terrible right now, and it certainly didn't help that Yoongi was speaking to him so tenderly, instead of reprimanding him, or giving even the slightest hint that he was upset with Jimin. He didn't want to be comforted. He wanted Yoongi to make him feel worse, to make him regret lying to him, even more than he already did.

But Yoongi just gazed at him with sad eyes.

"If that's what you want," he began, "then fine. I'll walk out the door right now, block your number, and go cry to Joon - well after I slap him for not straight-up telling me Jaeseong was with you - about how I trusted you never to cheat on me but then you went ahead and kissed the man who hates me more than I hate being awake before 8 AM."

Jimin's heart stopped, eyes shooting open. "I-I didn't cheat on you, Yoongi-!!" He exclaimed in a panic. "And-and I swear, I didn't kiss him, he forced himself on me, I-!"

"I know."

Jimin stopped. He held his tongue between his teeth, watching anxiously as Yoongi drew in a deep breath, then slowly let it go.

"I know...that what I saw wasn't you cheating on me, Jimin. I know...you would never kiss anyone besides me, and besides it was easy to tell by the way he was gripping your wrist and pushing his hand against your shoulder that you didn't ask for it. And Jimin, I-..."

Yoongi didn't finish his sentence, but emotion seemed to strike Jimin regardless, an additional wave of tears falling as Yoongi pulled him in for a hug. Immediately his ears were greeted by the sound of his boyfriend's soft whimpering, a sound that could shatter his heart in a second.

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