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By the time the pizza arrived Yoongi was already near to checking out, eyes threatening to flutter closed and stay closed. He didn't want to sleep yet, though. He was hungry, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to stay asleep if he didn't at least somewhat satisfy his deprived stomach. So he urged himself to remain awake. And what a struggle that was. He honestly didn't even know why he felt so tired - after all, he had taken a cat nap before everyone else got here, so that should have been able to hold him off for a while but it seemed not to have done him much good after all.

A couple slices of pizza and off to bed he would go. On the floor, on the couch, it didn't matter to him. He just wanted to sleep.

"Yoongs, I think we have some of that soda water you told me you liked," he heard Namjoon say shortly after setting the stack of pizza boxes on a coffee table in the living room.


"Soda water. In the fridge. It's in a clear bottle I think. Or maybe a can. Not sure."

"Mm." Yoongi got to his feet seemingly in slow motion and turned to face the kitchen.

"Oh, and can you bring out the regular soda, too?" Namjoon added. "There should be a couple liters. Just grab 'em."


Like a zombie Yoongi trudged his way to the kitchen as though he were walking through a quagmire, slow, labored steps accompanying the sleepy yawns that would escape his mouth every few seconds. With continuous blinking he somehow managed to locate the fridge and open it with some difficulty. He blinked again. "Clear bottle? Can...?" Too tired to read any labels, Yoongi grabbed the first clear thing his barely functioning eyes caught sight of and held it in his hand while at the same time reaching for one of the easily identifiable soda bottles Namjoon had mentioned.

"Yoongi? Need help?"

He lifted his head. Jimin was peering over the top of the fridge down at him.

"I can take the sodas out," the boy offered, and Yoongi just muttered a quiet sure in response and allowed Jimin to take the large bottles from him. Then he, struggling to get to his feet again, sluggishly retrieved a glass from one of the kitchen cabinets and dumped all of his "soda water" into it.

"Yoongi? Hellooo?? Did you die out there?!"

"I'm comin', quit yelling!"

He rejoined the group in the living room after another journey through the quagmire.

"D'you find the soda water?"

"I think so," Yoongi replied under his breath, lowering himself carefully to sit on the floor by the coffee table. Everyone was sitting on the floor at this point. And everyone was eating, too, except him. So he grabbed the nearest slice of pizza and joined in the eating, ignoring Namjoon's scolding about him not grabbing cups for everyone else as he drank from his own.

Bitter. Not extremely so, but it tasted a touch different than he remembered. Then again, perhaps it was a different brand. Or flavor. Or something. It didn't concern him much. He just drank it anyway. All of it. Every last drop.

"Yoongi? You doing alright?"

Jungkook, who sat on the opposite end of the coffee table from Yoongi, was the first to take notice of it. Yoongi's subtle swaying, the odd expressions he would make that seemed to be of disgust but no one could really tell, not even Yoongi, who wasn't all there. He didn't even register he had been spoken to right away.

"Yo. Yoongs. Hello?"

Now Namjoon was waving his hand in front of the boy's face.

"Is he sick or something?"

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